Withholding tax revenue explodes in early 2024: How to explain it?

2024-08-17 06:05:00

According to FPS financial data forwarded by L’Echo and De Tijd on Saturday, withholding tax revenues increased by €800 million (+27%) in the first half of 2024 to a record €3.9 billion.

Withholding taxes on dividends brought in more than 200 million euros, nearly 10% more than in the first half of last year. Withholding taxes on other movable income brought in more than 600 million euros, 65% more than a year ago. This other income mainly includes interest on savings and term accounts, bonds and savings certificates.

Savers have adjusted their behavior strongly. They have moved tens of billions of euros from savings products with little or no tax to products with higher taxation but better returns.

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