With the start of the first semester exams.. How do we preserve the psychological health of children?

In conjunction with the start of the first semester exams for students of all stages of transfer, parents face some problems with their children, due to the exhaustion of studying, maintaining sleep and waking times, and the safety of their mental health.

In the following report, we provide mothers with tips to maintain the psychological health of students.

Many students during exams panic so much that they cannot manage their time as required, and all that many do is drink coffee and stimulant drinks constantly, believing that this makes them able to study as long as possible as a result of staying up late, and this is what mental health experts warn about.

and help youthe week» During the following lines.. about providing advice to maintain students’ mental health during the first semester exams period

healthy food

One of the important things before going to the exam is to eat foods that give activity and vitality to the body..and to take some fresh fruits and vegetables, milk and nuts. It is not recommended to eat a lot of protein so as not to cause lethargy in the body..and to stay away from sources that contain fats such as “butter, vegetable ghee, and cooking oils.

healthy food

Setting goals

From the beginning of the school year, your goal should be to obtain final grades in the exam and maintain it and not neglect it and get rid of any psychological crises towards some subjects, so as not to lose passion or focus. Put yourself when passing the test and get the score you want to reach. Set yourself a reward.

Setting goals

Avoid anxiety

In order not to get anxious all the time, you should set yourself a period of rest to practice anything you love, such as “exercise, walking in nature, playing with your pet, or meditation.” In order not to be psychologically stressed.

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You have to convince your mind that the test is easy by saying the sentence: “Be optimistic about goodness, and you will find it.” So tell yourself that the questions are easy, after you prepare and study excellently, so effort, seriousness, work, and reasons must be taken.

Exam anxiety aside


A suitable timetable for the day must be set, in addition to providing some time to sit from the bed.. With the need to take a break between each subject and another, and to practice physical exercises, especially meditation and breathing exercises, and as the exam date approaches, sufficient time must be allocated for revision.

How to deal with children before they go to the exam.. Important advice for mothers

The mother should reduce the warnings to her children and suffice to emphasize social distancing and wearing a mask once.

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