With surveys and evaluations they seek to detect cases of bullying in schools

PHOTO: Special

lilia gonzalez

Given the series of cases of violence that have been evidenced in educational institutions, the local deputy of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), Paola Jiménez presented an initiative that seeks to issue the Protocol of action in cases of bullying, as well as the implementation of surveys and evaluations to detect them.

“In Mexico, 18 million primary and secondary students are victims of bullying… the victims who suffer from it are more vulnerable to suffering from mental problems such as post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, depression and mood disorders,” he said.

Therefore, he indicated that individual, family, and sociocultural factors must be worked on to prevent the behavior from reproducing, the first prevention being the responsibility of the parents, at the same time, he specified that actions must be taken within the schools to improve coexistence, as well as the use of disciplinary codes for the resolution of conflicts where violence is not allowed.

Within the proposal presented, it is indicated that some articles of the Law to Prevent and Address Bullying in the State of Mexico must be reformed in order to prepare and issue the Action Protocol, applicable to acts of bullying in the school environment, as well as its annual review and update.

It also indicates that a semi-annual survey must be applied among the educational community to identify the educational centers with the highest incidence of bullying, as well as the fact that every 3 months the schools must submit a report to the Ministry of Education containing the cases. of harassment that have occurred, their causes, as well as the actions taken.

And finally, it refers that it will be considered bullying when it is also carried out through any social network, application or electronic platform.



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