With six months of delay, the Senate proposes to give Poniatowska the Belisario Domínguez

With six months of delay, the Commission of the Belisario Dominguez Medalapproved that the writer Elena Poniatowska receive the highest award granted by the Senate of the Republic to Mexican men and women who have distinguished themselves by their science or their virtue in an eminent degree, as servants of our Country or of Humanity.

The proposal presented in the Commission and that obeys the 2022 edition, was supported by all the Parliamentary Groups considering that she is a woman who “exceeds” the necessary merits to be awarded the Medal.

According to the decree for the delivery of the Belisario Domínguez Medal, this must be awarded in a solemn session on October 7 of each year to commemorate “the sacrifice of the martyr of democracy Dr. Don Belisario Domínguez”

However, it will be next April 19 when the solemn session for the delivery of the Medal to which the President of Mexico is the guest of honor takes place; However, since 2021, the president decided not to attend this ceremony due to the risk of being “insulted” by opposition senators.

The president of the Commission, Senator Sasil de Leonstressed that the writer, journalist and activist “upholds the principles of freedom, solidarity, justice, democracy and respect for human freedoms.”

In her speech, the senator of the Plural Group, Nancy de la Sierra, said she was in favor of the proposal; However, she reported that her bench promoted granting recognition to the Jesuit priests murdered in Chihuahua, Javier Campos and Joaquín Mora.

The proposal approved by the Commission will be submitted to the approval of the Plenary in this Wednesday’s session.


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