With pictures Granger? US media asked: Which player is not good in reality but cannot be stopped in 2K – yqqlm

Original title: With pictures Granger?US media asked: Which player is not good in reality but cannot be stopped in 2K

With pictures Granger?US media asked: Which player is not good in reality but cannot be stopped in 2K

Live it, August 19th, the American media NBA Memes asked on Twitter today: Which player is not good in reality, but cannot be stopped in 2K?

However, the Twitter image of Granger during the Pacers period has aroused heated discussions among netizens. The following are some netizens’ comments:

The Ringer reporter J. Kyle Mann: Was this tweet edited by someone under 14?

Netizen ollie: If you think Granger is garbage, then you are too casual.

Netizen Jake Safford: Granger is not bad, please do a search before tweeting.

Granger has played for the Pacers, Clippers, and Heat, won 1 NBA Most Improved Player Award, and was selected 1 All-Star. In the regular season of his NBA career, Granger averaged 16.3 points, 4.8 rebounds and 1.8 assists in 30.8 minutes per game, while shooting 37.8% from three.

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