With pick and shovel they clean the Hiroki Peninsula to open it for the Confluence Festival

2024-01-13 08:31:00

The information that the trails were being improved for the opening of the Hiroki peninsula after 7 months of closure due to flooding, attracted the attention of a large number of people interested in a different outing on the weekend of good weather in the capital, however, we will have to wait, because the conditioning work continues and access to the place will not be allowed until late of February.

This week, the staff of the municipality’s urban cleaning undersecretary accelerated the work of weeding and improvements to the trails that have been under water since June.

It is not known if the speed of the work teams will be enough for the most sought-after free tours offered by the city to be available at the time when a large influx of tourists is expected for the Confluence Festival.

Initially, 15 days of trail repairs were reported for reopening. Then he Undersecretary of Urban Cleaning, Cristian Haspert, assessed that the work could take another 20 days or perhaps a month. That is, practically when the influx of visitors will decrease due to the festival and the carnival holiday, from February 10 to 13.

The thing is that the trip was organized on the flood zone of the Limay River.

The sector of non-floodable Hiroki peninsula was cleared of treeIt is in the midst of a strong controversy with the neighbors of the area and has vehicular access to the mega building of tourist reports.

The riverside avifauna, which is one of the main attractions besides the meeting of the riversmoved to the trail area.

“The sector is dangerous Because it is flooded, the winds caused many trees to fall and the flooding of the Neuquén River also brought many logs that are crossed,” Haspert described.

The decision was to close in jjoined the peninsula and the hiking areato avoid risks and accidents.

With abundant water, heat and rain storms from September to December, the flora of the place is in full bloom and A lot of weeds grew on the trails where the guided tours took place.

Along with the Talero Tower and the wild walks, a visit to Hiroki on the tourist bus is one of the most popular trips in the city.

“Many people do not know the confluence of the Limay River with the Neuquén River and as we agreed with the Ombudsman’s Office, environmental groups and neighbors, when the maintenance plan was designed in the place, we will show the work.

The water of the Neuquén River swept away trees and broke rest benches and signage.

He added that many dry trees were raised, some that fell alone and others that were depredated, supposedly, pproduct of the clandestine entry of people who were looking for trees for construction props, described Haspert.

The fierceness of the mighty river like the Neuquén, after the sustained flood in June, In addition to gravel and trees, it brought the transfer of sandbanks to the viewing areas. on the shore of the protected natural area.

The portal that was set up at the entrance, with police and permanent personnel, It made the peninsula recover, but we are working on a cleaning and work plan as the water went down,” Haspert said.

The work is slow, because it is manual“, clarified the official in reference to the resistance of protectionist groups that oppose the entry of large machines into the protected areas sector.

Other armed circuits in the flood zones of the Neuquén River, such as the Parque Agreste located at the foot of the third highway bridge, or Parque Agreste sur in the vicinity of the private neighborhoods in Rincón de Emilio, they have sectors enabled for visitors and some tours can be taken, it was indicated.

Hiroki and hiking in the wild walks is not being offered for guided tours until the end of the weeding and acomode part of the coastal furniture.

According to Harpert, the riveror tore off part of the signage and rest benches.

The waste baskets also suffered the echain fights. In this case, it is analyzed to remove them and, for reopening, to install a large container for wet and another for dry in the access area.

The thing is that visitors will be encouraged to take away the packaging or waste they generate.

“We are entering motorcycles with carts, to generate the least possible impact. There are many branches to remove and we will try to weed the spaces where the rest benches are,” said Haspert.

Hiroki has the appeal of wetland yeWhen the visitor arrives at the place, he forgets that moments before he was in the great capital metropolis.

From the access portal To the bank where you can see the confluence of the rivers, there are between 700 meters and one kilometer.

For favorsr watching or resting, in the case of visits from older people, sand they installed benches on the main road.

The data provided by the Undersecretary of Tourism indicated that Sundays were always the day chosen to visit Hiroki, according to the commune’s Undersecretary of Tourism, Mariana Fernández.

If 2,000 to 3,000 admissions were registered on a weekend, about 700 were from Saturday, while only on Sunday afternoon Tomorrow the figure reached 500 visitors, while another 1,500 visitors were registered on Sunday afternoons.

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This week a large cleaning operation was carried out. When everything was ready for a reopening, andThe river rose again and work was hampered by flooding on the paths.

“We are not going to promote until we are sure of the opening.”said Fernández, while indicating that the availability of the ride will be reported on the undersecretary’s networks.

The tours are in spontaneous groups or an organized departure, for a period of one hour, from the departure of the minibuses, both on weekdays and on a weekend day.

Wild walks in Neuquén and Limay

The beauty of the union of rivers Neuquén and Limay on the Hiroki peninsulas a false confluence, or first confluence of both rivers.

The meeting of the mighty waters that can be seen from the shore It is not the crossing of the mother channel or open channel of the Limay with the Neuquén, but a few kilometers before the Negro River is formed: It is a large arm of the Neuquén River that first joins the Limay in the observation area of ​​the Hiroki peninsula.

The view from the place of both mighty courses, It is splendid and one of the most visited.

Before it was closed due to flooding, More than 4,000 visitors were registered in a long weekend after they were advised on the portal.

Statistically, It is the most sought after walk by city residents. Whether because it is recently promoted, or because it is in the south-east end of the big city, there are a large number of residents and those born in the capital, who have never visited it.

It can be reached on foot or by bicycle from the portal of the tourist information office and guard services of the municipality.

The authorities indicated that since There is more security, many families decided to make the walk through the protected sector. It was also added that you can reach almost the portal by the paved road through the coastal promenade, with the alternative of boarding the tourist bus that leaves from Olascoaga and the roads in the microcenter of the city in the microcento.

It is a different walk, where nature and its peaceful surroundings contrast with the noisy maelstrom of shopping malls and shopping tours.

Works in Independiente postponed

Following the coastal walk that ends at the Hiroki peninsula, the coastal walk was planned to be carried out in the vicinity of the Independiente club, less than three kilometers from the place, going up the Neuquén River.

With a colony of black-necked swans, the “swans” viewpoint was even planned, baptized before any progress was made in the movements of the ground.

The pedestrian and bicycle path was diagrammed for the view of the river and the vehicular passage from the interior.

To make that internal street, the transfer of land was agreed with the club, also in exchange for the relocation (at the expense of the municipality) of the shooting club.

Everything was postponed until April, as indicated by the commune’s Coordination Secretariat.

A first part, which was going to be put out to tender in December and had been planned with national works funds, was canceled after the decision of thenew national government to roll back all investments to which the previous national administration had committed itself.

The political decision was to execute the project entirely with municipal resources.

A tender was put together that will include the trails along the coast, the relocation of the sports fields, the “Los Cisnes” viewpoint and the lighting and furniture of the entire section in a single work that, in stages, the commune will put out to tender in the middle of the year, it was indicated.

The file ““It will be rearmed this quarter” It was indicated and not known in detail what the economic modifications that will involve including this mega work that already had more than 1,400 million in municipal financing, among the own works.

The comprehensive project included three spacious parking lots, which will be managed by the sports club.

The arrival of the coastal walk to the Independiente club It will improve the infrastructure for the sector, which currently lacks lighting.

#pick #shovel #clean #Hiroki #Peninsula #open #Confluence #Festival

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