With more than G. 16,000 million in business intentions generated, Zero Hunger business roundtables continue

Asuncion, IP Agency.- This Tuesday, the 27th, business meetings for MSMEs and family agriculture continue, in this case in the department of Canindeyú. In five departments where they were previously held, 16,264 million guaraníes are quantified in business intentions.

The business conference for producers of Peasant Family Agriculture and MSMEs of Canindeyú will be at the premises of the MAG Agrarian Extension Directorate, in Curuguaty, located on Eusebio Ayala avenue c/ Paraguayo Independiente.

Those interested in participating can register at digital form and for more details on 0975 276313.

So far, business roundtables have been held in Central, Presidente Hayes, Paraguarí, Guairá, Caazapá, Ñeembucú, Boquerón, in which 547 stakeholders, including SMEs and agricultural producers, participated.

In Central, more than 300 people participated in the first Business Roundtable held in San Lorenzo, including MSMEs and producers from Presidente Hayes.

The second business roundtable held in Paraguarí generated business intentions worth G. 7.27 billion, while in Caazapá 17 MSMEs and 48 producers participated, leaving a business potential of G. 1.7 billion.

A total of 51 organizations belonging to MSMEs and Family Farming participated in Ñeembucú, where business intentions were registered for a total value of Gs. 3.7 billion.

The business roundtable held in Boquerón brought together 21 participants, and a total of Gs. 594 million in business intentions.

Finally, the business roundtable in Guairá resulted in business intentions for more than G. 3,000 million and 61 participants, of which 18 were SMEs, and 43 from family farming.

These business meetings will reach all departments of the country seeking to connect small agricultural producers and micro-entrepreneurs with the companies awarded the contract to provide school meals within the framework of the Zero Hunger program. These companies must demonstrate that their purchases include at least 5% of products from MSMEs and 10% from family agriculture.

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2024-08-28 11:58:14



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