With Iron Dome, Netanyahu is flirting with Ukraine to protect it from Russia


He said "The United States took a large part of the ammunition destined for Israel and passed it on to Israel UkraineAnd frankly, Israel is also acting in ways that I will not detail here against Iranian weapons factories that are being used against Ukraine".

Ukrainian and Western officials accused Iran By selling low-cost drones to Russia for use in the Ukraine war, despite Tehran’s denials.

Netanyahu added that he was asked to mediate unofficially in the conflict after the incursion Russia to Ukraine in February, but he did not follow up because he was then in the ranks of the opposition.

He pointed out that he is ready to play the role of mediator if asked by the two parties, in addition to the United States.

And he said: "I have enough experience to know that there must be a suitable time and suitable circumstances, and if they appear I will certainly consider it".

These statements come the day after the visit of US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken to Jerusalemin which he called for calm in the wake of the escalation of violence between Israelis and Palestinians, and urged Israel to increase its support for Ukraine.

Using language familiar to Israelis, Blinken said Ukraine needed help: "Because she bravely defends her people and their right to exist".

He informed Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen blinkin He will visit Ukraine to reopen his country’s embassy, ​​the first visit of its kind since the war.

Former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett made a surprise visit to Moscow in March to mediate with Putin.

Bennett also relayed messages from Putin to the Ukrainian president Volodymyr ZelenskyHowever, he did not succeed in arranging direct negotiations between the two parties.


And when Netanyahu was asked during an interview with CNN whether Israel could provide assistance to Ukraine in areas such as Iron Dome, which protects Israel from air attacks, he replied: “Well, I’m definitely considering this.”

Netanyahu did not make any firm commitments to Ukraine, especially since his country maintained its relations with Ukraine Russia.

He said, “The United States took a large part of the ammunition destined for Israel and passed it on to Israel.” UkraineAnd frankly, Israel is also behaving in ways that I will not detail here against Iranian weapons factories that are being used against Ukraine.

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Ukrainian and Western officials accused Iran By selling low-cost drones to Russia for use in the Ukraine war, despite Tehran’s denials.

Netanyahu added that he was asked to mediate unofficially in the conflict after the incursion Russia to Ukraine in February, but he did not follow up because he was then in the ranks of the opposition.

He pointed out that he is ready to play the role of mediator if asked by the two parties, in addition to the United States.

He said, “I have enough experience to know that there must be a suitable time and appropriate conditions, and if they appear, I will definitely think about that.”

These statements come the day after the visit of US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken to Jerusalemin which he called for calm in the wake of the escalation of violence between Israelis and Palestinians, and urged Israel to increase its support for Ukraine.

Using language familiar to Israelis, Blinken said Ukraine needed help: “because it is bravely defending its people and its right to exist.”

He informed Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen blinkin He will visit Ukraine to reopen his country’s embassy, ​​the first visit of its kind since the war.

Former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett made a surprise visit to Moscow in March to mediate with Putin.

Bennett also relayed messages from Putin to the Ukrainian president Volodymyr ZelenskyHowever, he did not succeed in arranging direct negotiations between the two parties.

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