With humanism, Bedolla transforms well-being in Michoacán: Sedebi

• Support programs for families caring for children with cancer, and women with breast or cervical cancer, are national references

Morelia, Michoacán, September 22, 2024.- In Michoacán, social welfare is transformed with the support of Governor Alfredo Ramírez Bedolla, who, during his Third Government Report, highlighted the achievements through key social programs, such as the Caregiving Families of Girls and Boys with Cancer Program and the Program for the Well-being of Women with Invasive Breast and/or Cervical Cancer.

The president stressed that both programs have benefited nearly 5,000 people with a monthly support of 4,000 pesos, allowing women, girls and boys with cancer to continue their treatment without worrying about financial resources.

“The objective is very clear: that they do not abandon their treatment and that they increase their chances of successfully overcoming it,” said the president before more than 40,000 Michoacans gathered at the Morelos Stadium who listened to his report.

The Secretary of Welfare (Sedebi), Andrea Janet Serna Hernández, recognized these advances as a transformative achievement in the state’s social policy. She emphasized that the aforementioned programs are not only financial support, but an effort to dignify medical care and guarantee the well-being of families in vulnerable situations. “We are committed to continuing to build public policies that promote the well-being and health of Michoacans, always with a humanistic approach,” said Serna Hernández.

Likewise, Sedebi supported the governor’s proposal to present to the 76th Legislature of the Congress of Michoacán an initiative to elevate these social programs for women, girls and children with cancer to constitutional status. Go ahead!, concluded the governor.



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