With how many votes did AMLO win the presidency and why did Yucatán stand out in the 2018 elections?

With how many votes did AMLO win the presidency and why did Yucatán stand out in the 2018 elections?

MEXICO CITY.- Andrés Manuel López Obrador, current president of Mexico, won the 2018 elections with 30 million 113 thousand 483 votes, that is to say53.19% of the votes. Furthermore, more women participated in these elections, representing 66.2% of the votes.

Instead, Ricardo Anaya, candidate of the Coalition For Mexico at the Front, got 12 million 610 thousand 120 voteswhich represented the 22.27%; while the candidate José Antonio Meade, of the All for Mexico Coalition, had 9 million 289 thousand 853 votesa figure that represented 16.40%.

Yucatan in the presidential elections

According to figures compiled by the National Electoral Institute (INE), in the 2018 district counts, the citizen participationa showed important differences at the state level, since the highest percentage was recorded in the state of Yucatán more than 75 percent of attendance at the polls.

Likewise, the age range between 60 and 74 years old are those who participated the most in the 2018 elections.

Noroña asks to give AMLO 35 million votes

Sunday, May 5Gerardo Fernández Noroñaspokesperson coordinator for the presidential candidate Claudia SheinbaumHe asked for the people give a farewell gift to the president of the Republic, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, which consists of 35 million votes on June 2.

“How regarding we give you a gift: 35 million votes, we are experiencing the brilliant movement of history,” he stressed.

This request was made by Noroña during the rally of presidential candidate Claudia Sheimbaumin the Coyoacán mayor’s office in Mexico City.

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2024-05-12 10:22:48

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