«With Covid, very tough shifts but now I risk eviction» – Merano

MERANO. Since March 2020, with the beginning of the pandemic and for the following two years, in twelve-hour shifts, he has been responsible for sanitizing theMeran hospital. Now, a few months after those dramatic moments, Gino Marfisi and his family they find themselves literally a few meters from the street with an executive eviction that will soon force them to leave his apartment in Sinigo. Hired in an emergency situation by the Healthcare Company with a fixed-term contract and without a bilingual license, Gino Marfisi was one of those who both limited the spread of the pandemic in South Tyrolean hospitals and safeguarded the lives of medical and paramedical staff, even if he however, Covid took it several times and was one of the first to be vaccinated.

Today, a few years after those dramatic moments and those exhausting shifts, with two small children to take care of, a pregnant wife and a father-in-law over sixty who is unemployed at home, Marfisi works as a mechanical assistant but on his family, who have lived in Merano for 29 years, hangs the ax from executive eviction. An eviction that came after for several months and due to force majeure Marfisi claims he was unable to pay the rent to the homeowner. But that is not all. In fact, first included in the Ipes rankings for the assignment of accommodation, after a sudden and unexpected recalculation of the infamous Isee, the family nucleus of Marfisi for just under 150 euros he was excluded from the rankings for the assignment of subsidized housing.

A cold shower for Sinigo’s family. In fact, it can be seen every day by now, finding an apartment to rent at affordable prices in the city, especially for those with an average income, has become a titan’s undertaking. Even more difficult for couples with young children, very often disliked by condominiums or landlords due to the fact that in these cases it is more difficult to proceed with an eviction in case of arrears. In the case of Marfisi, however, the executive eviction arrived on time, after several months of arrears, for now with a delay until next May 16 when his family will have to leave the house in via Nazionale in Sinigo.

Marfisi explains: «Before Covid I worked in the hotel industry, like my father-in-law, then we were both fired due to Covid but if I found a job as a sanitizer for my father-in-law it went worse, because nobody hires a semi-retired person nowadays ». Marfisi begins by recalling the period in intensive care alongside the doctors: «Two years harnessed with a thousand devices, exhausting shifts of even more than 12 hours, so I arrived home destroyed with the fear of passing the Covid to my wife. So, since the expiry of the contract, out of gratitude no one from the Healthcare Company has shown up, even when I asked to receive my settlement which I have still been waiting for over a year », explains the man.

Pregnant wife, as mentioned, there are two minor children of the couple. A one-year-old and a five-year-old who opens the door for us, taking us by the hand throughout the house. An apartment on Via Nazionale that is nothing short of dilapidated and full of foul-smelling mould. «The owners of the apartment where we are staying are deceased and have been succeeded by their grandchildren who want to sell. They gave us an ultimatum: either we buy or we have to leave, but we can’t find the money to buy anywhere, above all because only I work in the family», says the man who adds: «We were calm, in first place in the Ipes rankings but, after a recount, we were excluded for 148 euros. They simply told us to reapply, despite our situation. We also contacted a well-known lawyer in the city but he advised us not to appeal, because we would have lost him », explains Marfisi, explaining that he has also contacted the Municipality and here too no response has been received. “We are decent people, we hope that someone will help us get out of this situation.”

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