With accurate numbers.. A quick test reveals the actual age of your heart muscle

Internet It can help an individual measure the actual age of their heart muscle.

An individual can get an estimate regarding the actual age ofto flipAfter answering a number of necessary questions regarding his health condition.

Heart disease is a major concern in the world United StateFor example, data indicates that 40 percent of the population will suffer from heart disorders, to varying degrees, in 2030.

Statistics from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicate that heart disease is responsible for one out of every five deaths in the United States.

To take this electronic test, it is enough to go to the site "MyHealthCheckup"Then, the individual can obtain useful information, for free.

In the event that the individual is unable to answer some questions such as his cholesterol level, this does not affect the test in general, as he can click on the box "I don’t know"moving on to other questions.

The site relies on measuring a number of health indicators; of between it:

  • Age
  • Weight and height.
  • Loin measurement.
  • blood pressure rate
  • Do you take medication to control blood pressure?
  • diabetes
  • Do you take medication to control blood sugar?
  • Do people in your family have a history of heart disease?
  • Do you smoke or not?
  • cholesterol levels.
  • Have you ever had a stroke or heart problem?
  • How often do you exercise?

When answering the questions, the site provides a detailed report, showing the individual the actual age of his heart muscle, as the person may be twenty-five years old, but he is surprised that the vital muscle he has, in the case of someone who has reached thirty.

The site provides an estimate of the percentage of the risk of a heart attack during the following years, while recommending some steps to reduce the risk.

The platform recommends following a healthy lifestyle by exercising and quitting smoking, in order to reduce the risk of developing serious heart diseases.

Among the steps that promote heart health:

  • Check your cholesterol every now and then.
  • Constant monitoring of blood pressure.
  • Pay attention to the diet, and avoid foods high in sugar and fat.
  • Playing sports.
  • Avoid smoking.


According to the “Daily Mail” newspaper, a test is on Internet It can help an individual measure the actual age of their heart muscle.

An individual can get an estimate regarding the actual age ofto flipAfter answering a number of necessary questions regarding his health condition.

Heart disease is a major concern in the world United StateFor example, data indicates that 40 percent of the population will suffer from heart disorders, to varying degrees, in 2030.

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Statistics from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicate that heart disease is responsible for one out of every five deaths in the United States.

To take this electronic test, it is sufficient to go to the “MyHealthCheckup” website, and then the individual can obtain useful information for free.

In the event that the individual is unable to answer some questions such as his cholesterol level, this does not affect the test in general, as he can click on the “I do not know” box, and proceed to other questions.

The site relies on measuring a number of health indicators; of between it:

  • Age
  • Weight and height.
  • Loin measurement.
  • blood pressure rate
  • Do you take medication to control blood pressure?
  • diabetes
  • Do you take medication to control blood sugar?
  • Do people in your family have a history of heart disease?
  • Do you smoke or not?
  • cholesterol levels.
  • Have you ever had a stroke or heart problem?
  • How often do you exercise?

When answering the questions, the site provides a detailed report, showing the individual the actual age of his heart muscle, as the person may be twenty-five years old, but he is surprised that the vital muscle he has, in the case of someone who has reached thirty.

The site provides an estimate of the percentage of the risk of a heart attack during the following years, while recommending some steps to reduce the risk.

The platform recommends following a healthy lifestyle by exercising and quitting smoking, in order to reduce the risk of developing serious heart diseases.

Among the steps that promote heart health:

  • Check your cholesterol every now and then.
  • Constant monitoring of blood pressure.
  • Pay attention to the diet, and avoid foods high in sugar and fat.
  • Playing sports.
  • Avoid smoking.

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