Kuwaiti actress Shams published several new photos with her followers and fans, through her personal account on the famous photo and video site “Instagram”.
And Shams appeared during the pictures with a charming look from the middle of nature, and she adopted soft makeup that matches her look and left her short hair hanging on her shoulders.
Shams Al-Kuwaiti appeared at the Cairo Film Festival with Khaled Youssef, presenting his dramatic work, which is being shown in Ramadan, and it is the series “Serr Bat’a.” The Kuwaiti actress, Shams Al-Kuwaiti, for the first time experienced acting in Egyptian drama during the series “Sir Al-Sultan” directed by Khaled Youssef, which is scheduled to be shown next Ramadan. Shams came to Cairo two days ago and has already started filming her scenes at work.
The series “Sir Bataa” with director Khaled Youssef, which will be shown next Ramadan, which includes a very large constellation of stars, including Ahmed Fahmy, Ahmed Al-Saadani, Reem Mustafa, Hanan Mutawa, Hussein Fahmy, Hala Sidqi, Bayoumi Fouad, Ahmed Wafik, Menna Fadali and Khaled Anwar. Islam Hafez and a large number of artists.