Wish for ÖGK: “Better reward preventive work”

2023-11-07 23:30:00

Upper Austria’s Medical Association President Peter Niedermoser does not want to commit to numbers. But it is also clear to him that in a few years the shortage of doctors will become even more pressing due to retirements, he tells the OÖN. Upper Austria’s medical representatives had simulation researcher Niki Popper calculate a future simulation at the end of 2022. The study found that more training capacity would be needed in hospitals, especially in the next few years – in all disciplines. The number of medical study places would also have to be increased.

“Motivate for cash registers”

Niedermoser also sees the ÖGK as having a responsibility – among other things when it comes to motivating young doctors for health insurance positions. The ÖGK must be more responsive to the desire of young doctors to prioritize prevention and care for patients, says Niedermoser. The time that is required for this, including in the form of patient discussions, is not sufficiently taken into account in the fee models. Many young doctors would therefore choose elective medical practices.

According to Niedermoser, the ÖGK focus on expanding primary care units and expanded ordinations is positive.


Markus Staudinger

Managing editor, deputy Head of Politics Department

Markus Staudinger

Markus Staudinger


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