Wirtschaftsbund ad Katzian: Reductions in non-wage labor costs point the way to combating inflation

2024-01-21 23:36:30

Egger: The debate on non-wage costs must now be conducted at high speed

Vienna (OTS) – “It is a first positive signal that ÖGB boss Wolfgang Katzian conveyed in the ORF press hour regarding reducing non-wage costs. It is important that the debate now continues at speed and is not torpedoed by class struggle slogans from party members. Because employees and employers are in the same boat. Therefore, a common consensus is now needed quickly in order to maintain competitiveness on the one hand and, on the other hand, to stop the wage/price spiral and reduce inflation. With a significant reduction in non-wage labor costs on the employer side, we are creating real relief for the economy and ensuring the preservation of jobs,” said WB General Secretary Abg.z.Nr. Kurt Egger.

Questions & Contact:

Austrian Economic Association
Matthias Pfeiler, BA
Press spokesman
+43 1 505 47 96

#Wirtschaftsbund #Katzian #Reductions #nonwage #labor #costs #point #combating #inflation



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