Wiretapping: The institutions committee rejected the request to summon the Prosecutors of the Supreme Court for explanations – 2024-08-05 03:38:58

With 14 New Democracy MPs voting against and 13 opposition MPs voting in favor, the Institutions and Transparency Committee rejected the opposition’s requests to summon Supreme Court prosecutor Georgia Adelini and vice-prosecutor Achilleas Zisis as well as to forward the relevant finding on the case of follow-ups. New Democracy spoke of an unconstitutional request, SYRIZA of a cover-up.

It is clear that after the rejection of the request of the 6 parties for the wiretapping, the opposition will try in every way to keep the issue high in the news. The government directly spoke of the unconstitutionality of the opposition’s request and closed the circle for new parliamentary initiatives. On the contrary, the opposition considers it possible for the issue to remain high in the news. There are weapons, he told me a while ago, an opposition MP, politically, judicially and at the level of the European Union.

Strong opposition reactions followed.
Nikos Androulakis mentioned the case of surveillance during his tour of Argolis, ahead of the internal party elections of PASOK on October 6. He spoke of a systematic degradation of the separation of powers and the rule of law.

“We live in a period where, at the altar of cover-up, there is a systematic degradation of the separation of powers and the rule of law. Because quite simply, Mr. Mitsotakis is afraid. He is afraid of the truth, he is afraid of the light and he wants to impose the darkness. That’s why I will continue my fight. It’s not a personal matter. It is a matter of democracy.

A few days ago, fifty years of Postcolonialism were completed. We have a duty to respect the struggles of thousands of people for democracy and for future generations, that our country be a normal European country, that respects human rights and that no one, no matter how powerful, can set up a parastate, but everyone they are all equal before justice.

Therefore, I am continuing my fight at the European Court of Human Rights so that the EYP implements the decision of the country’s highest court, but also for the decision of the Supreme Court.”

“The hasty attempt by the governing majority of the ND to cover up the wiretapping scandal, hiding behind legal arguments that were invoked in the Institutions and Transparency Committee of the Parliament, should in no way lead to a “closure” of the case” emphasizes the KKE in his comment and concludes:

“For this reason, the KKE intends, through the general secretary of the KKE, to request the conclusion of the prosecution of the Supreme Court and all accompanying data, as well as their transmission to the Parliament without further delay. It is also reserved for further actions that will contribute to the investigation of this case and to highlight the limits and commitments of the “independent judiciary”.

“The parliamentary majority of the government of the monitored ministers, the majority of the cover-up, rejected the opposition’s requests in order to summon Mrs. Adelinis and Mr. Zisis to the Committee on Institutions and Transparency, and also to inform the National Delegation of the conclusion of the Supreme Court” , emphasizes in his statement the president of the KO of the New Left, Alexis Haritsis.

“We didn’t expect anything different from a government that has trivialized every concept of democracy and institutional functioning of the Parliament and the Judiciary,” he comments, declaring that “if Mr. Mitsotakis thinks that the surveillance case is closed, he is wrong.” “If the government and the “dirty networks” in and around it, think that the strategy is to announce the result with a press release in the middle of the summer, they should know that they are being laughed at,” he adds.

Continuing, Al. Haritsis once again calls on the prime minister “to request the immediate convening of the Council of Political Leaders under the President of the Republic” with whom he had contact a short time ago.

“I expressed to her my strong concern about the crisis of trust of the citizens towards the democratic institutions and about the possibility that this much-lauded case will not be fully investigated”, notes Al. Haritsis, adding that he expects the progressive opposition parties “to show due maturity and support this request”.

“The hours are critical for Democracy itself in the country. A progressive front is needed, now. There is no time to waste. Let the otakusts of Megaros Maximos remember that regimes fall and parastatals are overthrown”, concludes Al. Haritsis.

“When the Judiciary joins the government then the wiretapping is covered up. This is the conclusion from the effort of Mrs. Adelinis and the government to not shed light on the wiretapping and the physical and moral perpetrators so that all of them can be punished,” said the president of Hellenic Solution, Kyriakos Velopoulos.

“I already contacted the president of the Republic through her office, I requested an immediate hearing on the matter, and the convening of the council of political leaders, as Mr. Haritsis has requested since yesterday and I believe that it will be requested by other political leaders as well. The meeting that just took place reveals how intimidated the government is,” underlined Zoe Konstantopoulou, President of Freedom of Navigation.

“We would like to express our disappointment with the way the government handled the issue, underlined NIKI MP Nikos Rountas.”

“We voted in favor, although I disagree .. in the past no one was interested in a finding against Spartans that we were excluded from elections,” said Ioannis Kontis, a Spartans MP.

With the meeting of the institutions and transparency committee, the curtain fell on the parliamentary procedures for the summer period.

Source: ertnews

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