Wiretapping: See what the opinion of the prosecutor of the Supreme Court says – Where does he lay the blame 2024-08-06 10:23:03

The Deputy Prosecutor of the Supreme Court, Achilles of Lifefor its existence and action Pretador network for telephone monitoring assigns responsibilities to four persons, private individuals, entrepreneurs which are related to the companies involved.

the prosecutor emphasizes that in two cases, they achieved their goal, those of the journalist Thanasis Koukakis and her Artemis Seaford who opened the malware and were tracked. For the rest, it is pointed out that they were victims of attempted surveillance as they did not click on the relevant links. However, there are other cases according to information, advocates of victims who also claim that they “clicked” on the relevant link and were monitored, including the former minister, who has filed a related complaint Christos Spirtzis.

In the conclusion, no responsibility is attributed to the National Intelligence Service, EYP, or the Anti-Terrorist Service. In the conclusion, no responsibilities are attributed to persons who were reported for the telephone monitoring, including the then commander of the EYP, Panagiotis Kontoleon and the then director general of the Prime Minister’s office, Grigoris Dimitriadis and the then prosecutor responsible for the EYP issue Vasiliki Vlachouwho had subscribed to and exercised legitimacy control over thousands of follow-ups.

In particular, for the then commander of the EYP, Panagiotis Kontoleontas, the conclusion states that he had no knowledge of illegal surveillance, the same for Grigoris Dimitriadis, for whom it is stated that he never had any relevant information or knowledge.

For Grigoris Dimitriadis it is emphasized: Appointed Secretary General of the Prime Minister in July 2019 and subsequently, with No. 344 (Government Gazette B’ 2659/18.06.2021) Decision of the Prime Minister, he is authorized to sign “By order of the Prime Minister” documents, acts and decisions that concern, among others, procedural issues of the Coordination Council for Information Management of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. etc. He was never informed by the Governor or anyone else about the attachments of any person, but in general he was not informed about the issuance of Prosecutorial Orders of legal attachment, for which persons the provisions apply, their time periods, the reasons for issuing them and in general about the whole process that precedes the issuance of a prosecutorial order.

Regarding the prosecutor Vasiliki Vlachou, it is emphasized that she was subject to disciplinary control by the Supreme Court and no criminal responsibility was attributed to her.

However, advocates of the victims of wiretapping already point out that there is no foundation in the conclusion as to why the surveillance was carried out by private individuals, who were the moral perpetrators of these illegal actions and why, despite the fact that the conclusion recognizes the illegal action of those in question of four people, they are only held responsible for misdemeanors and not for example for felonies, criminal organization or even espionage.

Also, victims’ advocates note that for the violation of personal data, the charge could be a felony and not a misdemeanor, while they declare that they will take legal action in order to reveal the truth.

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#Wiretapping #opinion #prosecutor #Supreme #Court #lay #blame



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