Winter Wellness: Expert Tips for Staying Healthy and Happy During the Cold Season

2023-12-26 06:06:22

With fall comes cold temperatures. The time change, gray skies and light rain have a real impact on our mental health. Physically too, we feel the effects of winter on our body. But how can we face this fast-approaching winter season? To answer this question, our colleagues from South West interviewed several specialists who gave them tips on how to better cope with the winter period. First of all, you must absolutely respect a few easy barrier gestures to be put in place as noted by doctor Corentin Lacroix, alias Whydoc on YouTube. “But the cold doesn’t make you sick. Kissing people, shaking hands, it’s an aberration from a virus point of view. »

Second very important point: take care of your body, without resorting to food supplements, which according to Doctor Lacroix, “are no more effective than a placebo”. Rather, he recommends “eat well, sleep well, do physical activity, avoid alcohol and stress. No magic pill will be as effective. » It is also preferable to “eat an orange rather than a vitamin C tablet”. The expert also suggests the plant, ravintsara, for its anti-viral action. Apply a few drops of essential oil in the hollow of each wrist, in the epidemic phase, on the heel. You can also add a few drops of citrus essential oils to purify the atmosphere.

Seafood to fight colds

But what would work very well, it would be to eat seafood. “Eat seafood, especially oysters (three oysters every two days, all winter), for their concentration of trace elements, zinc and magnesium. And practice sea bathing all year round, even in winter, as long as you acclimatize gradually, without forcing yourself”, explains the doctor. Indeed, Guillaume Barucq, author of Surf therapy, heal yourself in contact with the ocean, studied the positive effect of regular sea bathing on health : « They have a positive effect on our mechanics, our piping, and our wiring: they relieve our joints, promote blood circulation and soothe our nerves”he indicates.

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