2023-11-23 05:28:00
2023/11/23 14:28 Weather News
■Points for the next week■
・Cold air moves south over the weekend, leading to heavy snow in northern Japan
・Rain on the Sea of Japan side at the beginning of the week
・Autumn and winter come and go
A winter-like pressure pattern is expected to strengthen over the weekend, and strong cold air is expected to move southward. Temperatures are expected to drop rapidly, with the highest temperature expected over the weekend to be a winter cold around the year-end and New Year holidays.
» Pinpoint weekly weather forecast
Cold air moves south over the weekend, leading to heavy snow in northern Japan
Cold weather forecast in the sky 25th (Sat) 9:00 am
From the 24th (Friday), a winter-like atmospheric pressure pattern is expected, and strong cold air is expected to move south into the weekend. As northerly winds strengthen across the country, snow will fall in many places along the Sea of Japan coast of northern Japan and Hokuriku.
Cold air with temperatures below -6 degrees Celsius at around 1,500 meters above sea level, which is the standard for snow in flat areas, is expected to move southward to the Sea of Japan side of western Japan. As a result, there is a high possibility of snow falling in areas of Tohoku and Hokuriku, where the first snow of the season has not yet been observed. In Hokkaido, there is a risk of heavy snow or blizzard even on flat areas, and snowfall is expected to increase rapidly in the inland areas of Tohoku and along the mountains of eastern Japan. Be sure to prepare your car for snow by installing winter tires.
Rain on the Sea of Japan side at the beginning of the week
On the 26th (Sunday), the area around Japan will be covered in high pressure, but the front and low pressure will pass through northern Japan once more at the beginning of the week.
From the 27th (Monday) to the 28th (Tuesday), rain is expected to fall over a wide area from the Sea of Japan side of Hokkaido and Tohoku to Hokuriku. There is also a possibility of brief periods of heavy rain and thunderstorms.
There will be snow in some places in Hokkaido, but it will likely be wet.
Although there are many places on the Pacific side of eastern and western Japan that will be sunny, there are likely to be places where clouds tend to spread due to the collision of winds.
» Forecast weather map
Autumn and winter come and go
Temperature changes in Tokyo
The weather has been nice for the past few days, but from the 24th (Friday), the temperature will suddenly drop due to the influence of cold air, and the highest temperature on the 25th (Saturday) is expected to be similar to December-January in various places. . In Hokkaido, the temperature will not reach 0℃ even during the day, making it the middle of winter, and many places in western and eastern Japan will feel the cold of winter as cold winds blow.
However, by next week, the cold air is expected to leave and warm air will flow in once more, causing temperatures to rise.
The daily temperature difference is increasing, so please be careful not to get sick.
Autumn leaves change color from Kanto to the west
The strong cold air that flowed in last weekend has caused the trees to change color, and the best viewing areas are steadily expanding in eastern and western Japan.
From now on, it looks like the colors will continue to change as the mornings and evenings get colder.
Stormy weather is expected throughout the country in the second half of the week, with strong rain and wind expected on the 18th (Saturday), and high altitude areas in western and eastern Japan will need to be careful regarding snowfall. If you plan to go out to see autumn leaves on the weekend, be sure to check the latest weather forecast and road conditions in advance.
Photo: Weather Report (posted from the Weather News app)
Reference materials etc.
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