Winter Travel Savings: How Belgians are Sacrificing to Hit the Slopes

2024-01-20 10:00:00

like a rooster

In winter, Belgians prefer to travel… but not to go out in the sun.

According to a recent survey conducted by Sunweb, the digital vacation expert, Belgians are ready to make concessions so as not to sacrifice their winter vacations. In fact, more than half of Walloon respondents (54%) are ready to save money on shopping (23%), on takeaway meals or restaurants (22%) as well as on outings (20%).

More surprisingly, more than one in ten respondents even say they are ready to make additional efforts, such as selling second-hand clothes (14%) or turning down the heating (17%) to reduce the hefty bill that a sports vacation represents. winter.

“Despite the challenges posed by high prices, we see that winter sports lovers in Belgium are getting creative in the ways they save. This unwavering passion for reaching the snow-capped peaks we dream of is therefore accompanied by small sacrifices and undoubtedly testifies to an ever-increasing desire to travel on the part of Belgians,” explains Martine Langerak, spokesperson for Sunweb Group, in a Press release.

Here are the five most important things Walloons are willing to save money for:

  • Less shopping (23%)
  • Fewer restaurants or takeaways (22%)
  • Fewer outings (20%)
  • Less heating (17%)
  • Sale of second-hand clothing (14%)
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