Winter Olympics are coming | Beijing Winter Olympic Village Athlete Restaurant opens 24 hours – Xinhua

Winter Olympics are coming | Beijing Winter Olympic Village Athlete Restaurant opens 24 hours

2022-01-30 19:16:11 Source: CCTV Author:

  CCTV news:Yesterday (January 29), the three Winter Olympic Villages of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games continued to receive delegations from various countries and regions, and all venues in the villages started the service during the competition.

In Beijing Winter Olympic Village, the 24-hour delegation reception center guides delegation members to complete various procedures, coordinates all parties, and helps delegation members who arrive for the first time to solve problems such as registration, transportation, lost mobile phones or luggage in a timely manner, and answer all kinds of questions. consult.

The athlete’s restaurant in the Beijing Winter Olympic Village has also opened 24-hour operation, and is responsible for delivering athletes’ meals to six competition venues including the National Gymnasium and the National Speed ​​Skating Stadium and two training venues.

The square area of ​​the Beijing Winter Olympic Village has 23 functional spaces, which are open to athletes and team officials from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm every day, with Chinese cultural experiences and supporting business services.

  Yang Jingfeng, Deputy Director of Comprehensive Services of the Beijing Winter Olympics Village Operation Team:Most popular with athletes and team officials are the franchise stores, as well as the “Cultural China” display area. The franchise store has clothing, shoes, bags, stationery, commemorative badges, etc. In “Cultural China”, there are displays of intangible cultural heritage works.

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