Winter Olympics 2022: “On the last shot, emotions caught up with me”, Quentin Fillon Maillet remains at five medals

In the mixed zone, while a very icy blizzard traveled the backbone of the athletes, Quentin Fillon Maillet put an end to the final post-race stresses of these Games. And for the first time, the tricolor champion, already covered with five charms, does not need to sacrifice the traditional press conference of the medalists. In a race won by the Norwegian Johannes Boe, the French missed the mark by missing his last standing shot. And finished fourth…

What feeling predominates after this fourth place?

QUENTIN FILLON MAILLET. Just after the finish line, there was a little bitterness because you can imagine that I had the royal road to try to go for the gold on the last shot. I saw Johannes (Editor’s note: Boe, the winner) miss two and me, emotions caught up with me on the last shot, it was a complicated shot, my legs were shaking… But it’s already starting to pass.

Before the Games, I was hoping for two medals, including a gold in the individual, and finally it’s five medals in six races. It’s way beyond what I expected, it’s just amazing. I am so happy with what I was able to accomplish. I was also able to show what Martin had already done, to be able to play the general classification and the Olympic Games. That’s great.

The opportunity was great…

When I was little, what made me dream even more than a gold medal was to be among the best and to write the history of sport. Everything I’ve been doing since the start of the season, I’m really in this dream. It almost makes me prouder than a gold medal, because we’re going to win a gold medal during the race, around thirty minutes, whereas I’ve been showing the whole world that I am one of the greats of this sport.

I’m going to bring back the heavy suitcase and my head filled with lots of memories. A fourth place counts a little less but I’m still very proud of this race because I fought until the end. Before the Games, I was happy that the general classification did not count. At the end of these Games, I wish it mattered!

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How are you going to remobilize to win the World Cup general classification globe?

I was a little worried about this mass start because I had still lost a lot of energy because of everything that can come from good races (Editor’s note: podium, media, etc.), the cold, anything out of the usual World Cup. But I will be present, with a lot of energy. I will find a way to recover and be fit. That’s the big goal (Editor’s note: he is at the top of the ranking). I apologize beforehand to all the fans I could have met in France next week but I refused all requests to focus on the end of the season because the opportunity is too good. But there will be something planned at the end of the season to celebrate all that…

Who is the King of Games?

(To smile) There is a match with Johannes, he has a few more gold medals (Editor’s note: 3 out of 5) thanks to the relays but individually we share the crown in my opinion…

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