The pandemic of COVID-19 generated that many countries of the world have to implement economic measures to help the population that was left without work or might not continue with the normal production of their business.
Chile it’s an example. The people who have had the worst time during the hardest moments of the pandemic have benefited from financial aid that continues to this day. Here we will talk regarding the Winter Bonus 2022.
The 2022 Winter Bonus is a contribution of 70,336 Chilean pesos that is delivered to older adults next to the May pension. Why does this bonus exist? Because it seeks to help families face the expenses that winter brings.
Winter Bonus 2022: what are the requirements?
- Be 65 years of age as of May 1, 2022.
- Receive a pension less than or equal to the value of the current minimum old-age pension for those over 75 years of age (182,167 pesos, not including the Old-Age Solidarity Pension Contribution (APSV) or Universal Guaranteed Pension (PGU), if any).
And, in addition, they must be pensioners from one of the following institutions:
- Institute of Social Security (as former INP; that is, from the former distribution funds).
- Occupational Safety Institute (ISL).
- Directorate of Security Police of Chile (Dipreca).
- National Defense Provident Fund (Capredena).
- Employer mutuals.
- Pensioners and pensioners of the system of AFP and insurance companies that receive minimum pensions with a state guarantee or APSV.
- Beneficiaries and beneficiaries of the .PGU
Winter Bonus 2022: how do I know if I am a beneficiary?
The Winter Bonus is an economic benefit of 70,336 pesos that reaches the beneficiaries together with the payment of the May pension.
If you are not sure when you are going to receive the 2022 Winter Bonus, we leave you three options for you to consult.
- Enter the website of your AFP and access your session with the RUT.
- Go to a Chile Atiende office and check if you are a beneficiary.
- Call 101 and check if you are a beneficiary.