Winning Numbers: Eurojackpot Draw Results and 120 Million Euro Jackpot

2023-06-22 07:09:34

120 million: The Eurojackpot numbers from 6/20/23 were regarding the maximum jackpot. You can find out the winning numbers from the Eurolotto here following the draw.

Anyone who correctly guessed yesterday’s Eurojackpot numbers was able to win 120 million euros. The jackpot in the so-called Eurolotto may not rise any higher. The last draw was regarding 111 million euros – but no player had all five winning numbers and the two euro numbers right on the slip.

The chance of winning the main prize is 1:140 million and is therefore negligible. Yesterday the jackpot might still be cracked. Experience has shown that a particularly large number of people from the 18 participating countries play with 120 million euros.

What were the Eurojackpot numbers yesterday 6/20/23? You can find out here following the drawing on Tuesday. There is also more information regarding the odds, the closing date for the winning numbers and the time of the draw.

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Eurojackpot numbers, 6/20/23: Tuesday’s winning numbers

Winning numbers 5 out of 50: 9 – 18 – 30 – 34 – 48
Euro numbers 2 out of 12: 1 – 7

(All winning numbers as always without guarantee)

Eurojackpot draw: Odds for the numbers from June 20th, 2023

The odds for the current Eurojackpot draw will be published late on Tuesday evening. They show how many players have won which sums – and whether the jackpot has been hit. If no one has ticked all the winning numbers and euro numbers correctly, the next draw will once more be for 120 million, but the winnings will increase, especially in the second prize category. As soon as the winning odds for the Eurolotto numbers from June 20th, 2023 are known, you will find them here.

Class Number of Correct Prizes Prize Amount 1 5 Correct
+ 2 Euro numbers 0 x vacant 2 5 correct
+ 1 euro number 3 x €5,330,105.00 3 5 correct
+ 0 Euro numbers 11 x €163,625.70 4 4 correct
+ 2 Euro numbers 59 x €5,031.90 5 4 correct
+ 1 euro number 1208 x €307.20 6 3 correct
+ 2 Euro numbers 2415 x €169.00 7 4 correct
+ 0 Euro numbers 2876 x €103.20 8 2 correct
+ 2 Euro numbers 35,026 x €27.00 9 3 correct
+ 1 euro number 50,479 x €20.90 10 3 correct
+ 0 euro numbers 118,245 x €16.90 11 1 correct
+ 2 euro numbers 193,026 x €12.90 12 2 correct numbers
+ 1 euro number 728,922 x €10.30

120 million in the Eurojackpot: Deadline for the numbers

Anyone who wanted to play Eurojackpot yesterday should not miss the acceptance deadline. Depending on the federal state, the time is between 6:40 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.

Also read regarding this

This table shows the Eurojackpot acceptance deadline for all federal states:

Federal state of Baden-Württemberg 7:00 p.m. Bavaria 7:00 p.m. Berlin 6:45 p.m. Brandenburg 6:40 p.m. Bremen 6:45 p.m. Hamburg 6:44 p.m. Hesse 7:00 p.m. Mecklenburg-West Pomerania 6:45 p.m. Lower Saxony 6:50 p.m. North Rhine-Westphalia 6:59 p.m. Rhineland-Palatinate 6:45 p.m. Saarland 6:45 p.m. Saxony 6:45 p.m -Anhalt 6.45 p.m. Schleswig-Holstein 6.45 p.m. Thuringia 7.00 p.m

Play Eurojackpot: procedure and costs

For the Eurojackpot, five out of 50 winning numbers and two out of 12 Euronumbers must be marked with a cross. The costs for this are 2 euros plus processing fees.

Time of the Eurojackpot draw on Tuesday

The winning numbers for the Eurojackpot are published between 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. The exact time of the drawing depends on how quickly the participating countries report their players’ predictions.

Is there a live stream for the Eurojackpot draw on 6/20/23?

In contrast to the Lotto 6 aus 49, there is never a live stream for the Eurojackpot draw. Players cannot follow the numbers being drawn live.

What is the chance of winning the Eurojackpot?

In the lowest prize class at the Eurojackpot, the chance is 1:49, in the highest 1:140 million. And in between? Here you get the complete overview of the winning probabilities.

Prize Class Number Correct Dividend Percentage Opportunity 1 to 1 5 + 2 36.00% 139,838,160 2 5 + 1 8.60% 6,991,908 3 5 + 0 4.85% 3,107,515 4 4 + 2 0.80% 621,503 5th 4 + 1 1.00% 31,075 6 3 + 2 1.10% 14,125 7 4 + 0 0.80% 13,811 8 2 + 2 2.55% 985 9 3 + 1 2.85% 706 10 3 + 0 5, 40% 314 11 1+2 6.75% 188 12 2+1 20.30% 49

Eurolotto countries: Where else can you play the Eurojackpot?

Eurojackpot can not only be played in Germany. 17 other countries such as Denmark, Italy, Poland and Spain are also taking part.

Here you get an overview of all 18 countries participating in the Eurojackpot:

Germany Denmark Estonia Finland Iceland Italy Croatia Latvia Lithuania Netherlands Norway Poland Sweden Slovakia Slovenia Spain Czech Republic Hungary

A note: Gambling like the Eurojackpot can be addictive. Those affected and their relatives can find help at the Federal Center for Health Education (BzgA). This also operates a free hotline with the telephone number 0800 – 1 37 27 00. (sg)

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