Winged Wonders: The Unstoppable Rise of Avian Cinema Stars

The flight of birds has always fascinated humans. Since the beginning of time, we have imagined what it would be like be able to fly and we have dreamed of doing it. And although the first flying device, created by the Wright brothers in 1903, has given rise to true aviation wonders, today birds continue to amaze us. There is something magical in the way they fly through the skies.

Those responsible for the SEO/Birdlife organization, whose objective is the conservation and study of birds and their habitats, They share that almost atavistic interest in these animals. And for this reason they have organized a festival that takes place these days in The House onin Madrid, and which brings together the best of bird and nature documentary cinema.

‘Pajareros’ is organized by SEO/Birdlife and La Casa Encendida.


In total, ‘Pajareros’ has on its poster four documentaries, one Spanish (‘Aves de Canarias’), two French (‘Birds of America’ and ‘Migraciones secretas’) and one British (‘Life on the Rocks’). The first documentary was screened on October 5, while the following ones can be seen on October 19 and 28.

Las themes They are almost as varied as the species of this branch of the animal world: from the American birds that John James Audubon observed and drew on his trip along the Mississippi River at the beginning of the 19th century to the spectacular migratory journey that the little girl makes every year. blackcap, passing through the unique ornithological species of the Canary Islands and the home of the largest colony of gannets in the world.

Learn from animals

“We live in a time in which rivers demand more attention than ever towards their waters, banks and biodiversity; in which the migratory journeys of birds remain an enigma, with researchers trying to decipher them with modern technologies, and in which islands, as fragile environments, continue to draw attention to their endemisms and the risks they face,” says Josefina Maestre, one of the coordinators of the cycle from SEO/BirdLife.

Birds teach us that, year after year, we meet again

In the words of Elisa Hernández de Pablo, responsible for the Environment at La Casa Encendida, “birds teach us that, year after year, we meet again. The proposal of this cycle is to make known ecosystems and species that we have here at our side, as well as in places we may never visit. This year’s proposals remember that human beings are observers and actors within the natural environment and we have to be aware of our impact throughout history.”

But it’s not just about enjoying: it’s also about learning. Therefore, after each projection there is a debate with experts in the different topics that the documentary deals with such as Pedro Felipe Acosta, director of ‘Aves de Canarias’; María García, president of the Association of Environmental Information Journalists of Spain, or Javier Pérez Tris, professor of Zoology at the Complutense University of Madrid.



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