WINDOWSEN designer Sensen Lii shares the behind-the-scenes design of the signature design “combination of sports elements and traditional haute couture”

A Chinese designer brand founded in 2019 IN WINDOWS, has now become a high-profile fashion cutting-edge on the international stage. What adjectives come to mind when you first see their clothing line? Avant-garde, flamboyant, gender vague… These words seem to be unable to describe the design style of WINDOWSEN.The exaggerated shapes that give dramatic tension to the work may originate from the designer Sensen Lii Li Sensen’s unique experience – he majored in musical theatre before studying costume design at the Royal Academy of Arts in Antwerp, and was infected by stage modeling during his internship in the theatre, which triggered his passion for costumes.

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For Sensen, who grew up in millennial communication, sci-fi movies, games and digital interactions at that time also became a source of inspiration. The WINDOWSEN 2021 autumn and winter series with the theme of “copying aliens” starts from the futuristic sense that designers have always been obsessed with, creating WINDOWSEN’s “alien universe”. The colors and images with great visual impact were borrowed from the WINDOWS 97 operating system at that time. “The Matrix,” his favorite movie, debuted this season with a shoe collection designed for the costumes of its fantasy protagonists.

WINDOWSEN designer Sensen Lii shares the behind-the-scenes design of the signature design

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WINDOWSEN’s surreal fantasy continued to the recently concluded 2023 spring and summer show. From the perspective of the virtual character “Wrestler MX. RIDICULOUS”, the designer simulated it as a way to break free from the shackles of the body, and replicated the robot ROBOT through technological means. The bridge section of RIDICULOUS explores the relationship between “AI, machinery and life”. This time WINDOWSEN also invited many amateur models such as musicians and fashion bloggers to show the diversity of designs through these fresh and unique individuals.

WINDOWSEN designer Sensen Lii shares the behind-the-scenes design of the signature design

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When asked about the most “label-style” design element of the brand in his mind, Sensen Lii said that he doesn’t like to use a given design element to define his own style. “I don’t want to be bound by some existing words.” Find out some of the “signature designs” that everyone knows from past works, which may be “the combination of sports elements and traditional haute couture”.

“I didn’t deliberately create such a gray area, it was formed naturally. Of course, this is also related to my own experience. These elements have always been my favorite.” It is this wonderful fusion that makes WINDOWSEN Freeze between haute couture and sports. And Sensen Lii also selected three of the most representative pieces to explain the inspiration and design highlights behind the scenes.

Iconic Design

WINDOWSEN designer Sensen Lii shares the behind-the-scenes design of the signature design

Sensen Lii:Before designing this shoe, I had been imagining that if there was another “Matrix” movie, I wanted to design a futuristic sports high-heeled shoe for the hero and heroine to wear. So, first of all, the design of this shoe is not gender specific, and it has an outline and a color that I like. The product itself is mainly composed of silicone TPU and a knitted upper.

WINDOWSEN designer Sensen Lii shares the behind-the-scenes design of the signature design

Sensen Lii:This green gauze skirt is from the 2021 “Sporty-Tech Couture” sports haute couture series. The theme is Barbie and the zodiac. The whole series is defined by WINDOWSEN’s self-defined twelve new animal characters to redefine the zodiac. The veil is a symbol of Barbie. This style incorporates sports elements into traditional gauze skirts. The upper body is composed of green mesh fabric, velvet, and sports webbing, and the lower body is composed of green organza and sports webbing.

WINDOWSEN designer Sensen Lii shares the behind-the-scenes design of the signature design

Sensen Lii:This nude mermaid dress looks from a third-year graduation work at the Royal Academy of Arts in Antwerp. The series continues the alien elements that I have always liked, and the exploration of the unknown world. The whole look wanted to create the concept of a futuristic three-headed monster, consisting of an oversized shoulder sports leather jacket and a nude skinny fishtail skirt. The shoulders of the sports leather jacket are composed of two face shields. The gauze skirt part is more tight-fitting than the earlier gauze skirt design, and adds a see-through element, and wraps the naked-colored webbing around the whole body, and the gauze skirt hem is visually more majestic Spectacular.

With Sensen Lii

WINDOWSEN designer Sensen Lii shares the behind-the-scenes design of the signature design

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Hypebeast: What obstacles or advantages did you find in switching from a musical theatre major to fashion design?

Sensen Lii:I think a designer’s experience is very helpful to the design itself. When I was studying musical theatre, I would go to the backstage costume room from time to time to see different interesting costumes. It gave me a lot of interesting inspiration. Then I became a stylist’s assistant, and now I am a fashion designer. Personally, I don’t think there are any particular obstacles. The artistic aesthetics are similar in some aspects. If you say “advantage”, it may just be more different experiences.

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Hypebeast: During your time at the Royal Academy of Arts in Antwerp, was there anything that particularly touched you or had an impact on your work?

Sensen Lii:My biggest feeling during my school days in Antwerp is that you need to learn to find a path that you feel can operate on your own under high pressure, and you can form a self-learning and evolutionary learning method, so that you can survive under such pressure. In terms of creative influence, it should be subtle, anyone and things you see at that stage will have some chemistry on you, which is also very interesting. I think my more intense design style has some direct relationship with the learning mood in school at that time.

WINDOWSEN designer Sensen Lii shares the behind-the-scenes design of the signature design

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Hypebeast: The brand name WINDOWSEN is taken from Microsoft’s Windows system. At the same time, you can see inspiration from science fiction, movies, and games in the series. As a generation that grew up in millennial communication, can you share the works that most influenced you and why? ?

Sensen Lii:Indeed, the millennial transition has continued to influence my work, and I do love these fun and exciting design elements. For movies, my favorite vampire movie “Four Hundred Years”, sci-fi movie “The Matrix”, etc., are all watched repeatedly. I can’t trace the specific reasons, but I have to say that I personally like some fictional cosmic stories, some interesting plots that are separated from daily life, and I hope to do some fresh, exciting and interesting attempts away from reality.

Hypebeast: WINDOWSEN itself incorporates a lot of virtual digital elements. What do you think of the virtual fashion that has risen in recent years, and do you plan to enter this field next?

Sensen Lii:Virtual fashion is indeed a new product that cannot be stopped by the development of technology today. It is just like the invention of electric lights and computers that directly changed our lives. I think the rise of virtual fashion must be a good thing. The rise of all new things and different new ways of playing must be a good thing. My current team is not ready for me to enter this field immediately, but I am really interested and should join in the near future.

WINDOWSEN designer Sensen Lii shares the behind-the-scenes design of the signature design

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Hypebeast: You have also designed stage designs for artists such as Lady Gaga, Rita Ora, Jolin Tsai, etc. How is the design process different from the creation of the WINDOWSEN series, and what are the limitations or more interesting parts?

Sensen Lii:There are still many differences between working with artists and artists and creating by yourself, because the other party is a distinct and real individual.
Of course, they also have their own design directions, so they need to communicate back and forth with the artist team to find a point of mutual liking. Everyone gets a bright spot, only meaningful cooperation. Of course, if the designer is given more freedom, the finished effect will be better.

Hypebeast: There are many musicians, fashion bloggers and other amateur models on the recently concluded 2023 spring and summer show. You seem to like to invite your friends as catwalk models. Why?

Sensen Lii:At this stage, I myself appreciate all the special individuals who have their own unique personalities, represent their own identities, and have their own special stories, which fascinates me even more. They can also give my designs a unique charm that’s more lively and interesting than a cookie-cutter body.

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