Windows are a has-been – Tech Café

2023-11-04 06:00:00

The complement of the news of new technologies with robot dogs that speak with an English accent, ghost employees, AI and above all… a genius idea: replacing the windows of refrigerators in supermarkets with screens.

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It’s deep

A robot dog with a hat who speaks. Not the hat, the dog. Finally the robot… The employees of Reviewed have ghost colleagues. Add automatically deformed decorations and limbs behind your products!

Leica it’s more expensive than you. He will always remain “Nightshade” to poison the AIs.

It’s concrete

The festival of good ideas

Le smartphone flexible, the replacement for the tough smartphone! The AI ​​pin, the replacement for smartphone which has no screen!

Cooler Screens, the replacement for fridge windows! Accuse his lawyerdodging questions, the Fried technique for a trial!


A program prepared by Guillaume Poggiaspalla Presented by Guillaume Vendé

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#Windows #hasbeen #Tech #Café

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