Maybe you don’t remember it or you didn’t even know regarding it, but in 2015, when Microsoft finally announced its long-awaited Windows 10those from Redmond had no qualms regarding ensuring that this was going to be the latest operating system that they were going to release, and that it would improve through updates. Six years later, nothing was done as promised and now we have Windows 11 in the market. What happened? We would also like to know that.
Microsoft did not turn a deaf ear, let alone ignore those who do remember his statements at that time. On that occasion, those from Redmond gave almost the same speech that they would say regarding Windows 11which would be the “definitive” version.
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Why does Windows 11 exist?
It was her own WanguI McKelveya company spokesperson, who revealed the reasons during the W11 announcement: “We know that many were surprised when we announced the new system and said ‘I thought Windows 10 was the latest version of history‘. Friends, what happened was the global coronavirus pandemic”, he sentenced.
“Overnight, the how, when and where we work changed radically and the digital transformation accelerated much faster than we might have foreseen. Windows it also had to change and a new accurate version became necessary for hybrid work,” he explained.
“Every day presents new challenges and Windows 11 it will continue to evolve thanks to them, just as you do through your companies. Now, we have to adapt the system to the needs of the post-pandemic users”, he finished.
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Criticism of the statement: was Windows 11 necessary?
The explanation was not entirely well received among Windows users (mainly Windows 10). In many community forums—such as the Windows 10 subreddit—Microsoft has been heavily criticized for using the COVID-19 as an excuse to remove support from a version that until now had done things well (although not perfectly).
On the other hand, the numerous problems in the Windows 11 releaseespecially those related to compatibility, make many wonder why Microsoft announces a much less compatible operating system as the safe-conduct for the “work at home”.
Many aspects in which Windows 10 excelled have worsened in Windows 11such as visual support for many screens, icon reorganization, general system performance, and the hardware demands needed to run it properly.