Windows 11 requirements are too strict!Microsoft’s official live broadcast was caught “smuggling upgrade” – Free Electronics News 3C Technology

(Photo / Associated Press)

Microsoft’s Windows 11’s stringent specifications have caused many users to complain that they cannot upgrade. Now it seems that even Microsoft’s own employees have this problem. In an official live broadcast, netizens found that the system was a “smuggling upgrade”.

At the developer Inside live event, Microsoft officials showed off the latest Windows 11 work administrator interface, but werenetizen accidentIt was found that the processor used by the computer is Intel’s i7-7660U, which is not in the support list of Windows 11, which means that even Microsoft’s own family members are smuggling to upgrade to the latest version.

Please read on…

Although Windows 11 only requires 1Ghz, 64Bit dual-core, it is limited to only support Intel 8th generation, AMD Ryzen 2000 and later models. The i7-7660U officially used by Microsoft this time is not in the support list. It caused many netizens to pay attention and complain, thinking that Microsoft slapped the face of the restrictions set by itself.

Microsoft officials have warned that upgrading Windows 11 with devices that do not meet the requirements will increase the chance of crashing by 17%, and native apps will be as high as 43%, and will not provide security updates.

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