Windows 11: Microsoft is testing ads in File Explorer

Windows 11 will be inspired by Windows 10 but not necessarily for good reasons: it is regarding advertisements in File Explorer. Users have noticed a few that show up.

Windows 11 File Explorer Advertisement

Ads appear on Windows 11

This is the case of a user on Twitter who share the screenshot of an ad in File Explorer on Windows. This is for Microsoft Editor, a spelling and grammar checker. “Write confidently in documents, email, and on the web with advanced writing suggestions from Microsoft Writer,” can we read on the banner. A button in “Find out more” allows you to have more details and to start the download.

Other users got a different advertisement. Some were entitled to a banner highlighting PowerPoint models to discover on the official Microsoft website.

This display is currently for users who are members of the Windows Insider program and who are on the Dev channel. The general public doesn’t have the ads yet, but they may well have them in a few weeks or months. We can imagine that Microsoft is doing a first test with some members to get their opinions on the subject.

Microsoft has yet to comment publicly on the matter. In the meantime, this type of message should be able to be disabled by going to Settings > System > Notifications and unchecking “Get tips and suggestions when I use Windows”. But this remains to be confirmed.

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