Windows 11 and PCs not supported, a watermark appears on the desktop

Windows 11 comes with special and different system requirements than Windows 10. This situation that has rendered obsolete millions of PCs has caused an avalanche of criticism.

However, despite these restrictions, it is possible to run Windows 11 on unsupported hardware. This reality does not please Microsoft so that a change has just made its appearance. It’s definitely not going to please everyone.

Windows 11 will display a watermark on the desktop, a text indicating that the current configuration is not supported. The latest build offered through a Windows Insider program introduces this new feature. Users have had the unpleasant surprise of discovering on the desktop in the lower right corner the text ” system configuration not met ».

We are on the DEV channel, so there is a (low?) chance that new filagram will not find its way to the consumer version of the OS.

One of the questions concerns the impact of this text. We do not yet know if Microsoft also plans to apply certain limitations. This is currently the case with the watermark “ Windows not activated » limiting personalization parameters.

Windows 11 and ineligible PCs

Windows 11 and the watermark

According to Microsoft, testing on non-eligible PCs running Windows 11 reveals increased odds of experiencing issues. The firm clarified on this subject

“On Windows Insider machines, those that don’t meet the minimum requirements experience 52% more kernel-mode crashes (blue screens) than those that meet the requirements. Machines that met the requirements provided a 99.8% incident-free experience that is effectively managed by OEMs and IHVs with modern driver update management. Additionally, on unsupported hardware apps, crashes are 17% more likely and for proprietary apps, we see 43% more crashes.”

At this point, this new watermark is only in testing. There is no timetable for it but a parade seems to have already been found to get rid of it.

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According to Desk modder the solution involves an intervention in the register. This is the backbone of Windows 11. You have to be very careful because any mishandling can have serious consequences. So applying this solution is at your own risk.

Run “Regedit” by launching “Regedit” in Run (WIN+R).

Then find the entry

UnsupportedHardwareNotificationCache": HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelUnsupportedHardwareNotificationCache

then change the SV2 DWORD value to 0

All that remains is to save.

Note that if the entry (the key)


is not present, just create it with a right mouse click on the Control Panel folder.

Choose new key to name it UnsupportedHardwareNotificationCache

Then you have to add the DWORD SV2 subkey in this folder by assigning it the value 0.

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