Windows 11, ads appear in File Explorer

The temptation is strong for Microsoft to integrate advertisements into Windows. This idea is not new. It seems that the giant wants to try the adventure again in Windows 11.

We know there’s a big update on the way for one of Windows 11’s most popular apps, File Explorer. It will offer an important novelty. This is tab support. It’s a “small revolution”, because support for tabs is strongly requested by the “Windows.

Turns out Redmont may be planning a little more. Another “big” change is currently being tested. On Twitter @flobo09 posted a screenshot showing what many thought was abandoned, . Microsoft would consider integrating commercial communication at the heart of this flagship application. It is positioned at the top of the screen and promotes other Microsoft products. In this example, the ad refers to Microsoft Editor, software from the Microsoft Office office suite.

Windows 11, Microsoft tests   in File Explorer

Windows 11, Microsoft tests in File Explorer

Windows 11 and , a sensitive file

For the moment we do not know much about this funny initiative. It is also difficult to know if Microsoft has already made its decision or if we are in an experimental phase only. We also don’t know if closing an ad will prevent further communications from appearing. Is there an option to disable this ?

One thing is certain. If tests are carried out it means that Microsoft thinks that it can be a good thing to integrate publicity in the file explorer. We have another certainty. There’s no doubt that if this novelty finds its way to Windows Insider, the reviews will rain down.

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