The Meteorological Authority revealed the expected weather from tomorrow, Friday, until next Tuesday, as the country will witness mild spring weather during the day in Greater Cairo and Lower Egypt, mild on the northern coasts, hot in northern Upper Egypt, hot in southern Sinai and southern Upper Egypt, and cold at night. On Greater Cairo, Lower Egypt, and the northern coasts, it tends to be hot on northern Upper Egypt, and pleasant on southern Sinai and southern Upper Egypt.
And “The Seventh Day” publishes details of the weather during this period, as follows:
Friday, April 22 and Saturday, April 23:
Wind activity in areas of Greater Cairo, Lower Egypt and the northeastern coasts at intermittent intervals.
Sunday, April 24:
Wind activity in areas of Greater Cairo, Lower Egypt and North Upper Egypt at intermittent periods.
Monday, April 25:
Wind activity in areas of Greater Cairo, Lower Egypt, the northeastern coast and northern Upper Egypt at intermittent intervals.
Tuesday, April 26:
Wind activity in areas of Greater Cairo and Lower Egypt at intermittent periods.