Willy Huerta: Opposition benches present a motion of censure against the Minister of the Interior

Congressmen from several opposition benches presented this Monday a motion of censure once morest the Minister of the Interior, Willy Huerta. This due to the questioned changes in the high command of the National Police and the intrusion into the work of the colonel Harvey Colchado.

The parliamentarians who signed the motion point out that it is up to the Legislative Power to censure the Minister of the Interior “for his political responsibility” and for “inability and lack of suitability to assume office.”

the minister Willy Huerta appeared before the plenary session of Congress on September 7 to explain the changes made in the high command of the National Police and stressed on that occasion that President Pedro Castillo never proposed changes in the special team led by Harvey Colchado.

“The President of the Republic has not proposed or requested any change in the special team, however, I must specify that through a study and opinion sheet issued by the General Staff of the PNP, on July 26, it is recommended that it be DIVIAC who assumes the coordination tasks in the tasks of helping the acts of diligence that the special team of the Public Ministry must carry out,” he told the parliamentarians.

Huerta He also assured that the changes in the high command of the PNP were due to the need to “strengthen the fight once morest citizen insecurity” and ruled out any relationship with the investigations once morest President Pedro Castillo. He also ruled out that the president has any link with RaĂșl Alfaro Alvarado (Commander General), Segundo MejĂ­a Montenegro (Inspector General) and Vicente Álvarez Moreno (Chief of the General Staff).

Among the congressmen who signed the motion of censure are Diego Bazån, José Cueto, Alejandro Cavero, Flor Pablo, Patricia Chirinos, Susel Paredes, Gladys Echaíz, Alejandro Soto, among others.

Huerta blamed the press for a feeling of insecurity

Interior Minister Willy Huerta blamed the press for the growing sense of citizen insecurity experienced throughout the country. This is because the media do not publicize the work of the National Police, a situation that, in his opinion, makes the population feel “a little worried.”

“Citizen security is not only the task of the Executive, of the Government. It belongs to all the institutions. We have presented several bills to the Congress of the Republic. It is precisely because you do not publicize these works by the National Police that citizens feel a little worried,” Huerta said.



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