William Gachassin, former smoker: “Quitting smoking can be complicated: get help! »

2023-11-24 09:30:02

14 years old… that’s the age at which William Gachassin smoked his first cigarettes. At 16, he smoked a pack every day. He had obviously heard about the dangers of tobacco. But he didn’t feel personally concerned. And then, a few months ago, everything went wrong. “I was not in good shape at all, I felt nauseous, I was vomiting. I thought I had food poisoning. As my health did not improve, I was hospitalized. My oxygen saturation level was very low. The diagnosis was made: I was suffering from pneumonia which had become infected. Even though I’m only 26 years old! Such a disease shakes and scares! “.

Weekly meetings as breadcrumbs

CaroDuring his hospitalization at the European Hospital, William Gachassin benefited from a presentation of the system to support smokers in quitting smoking. “I had previously reduced my smoking, but never really tried to quit. There, the fact of not being alone in the process really pleased me. My first appointment with the nurse, Caroline, lasted almost 2 hours. The opportunity to take stock of my dependence and my motivation. She introduced me to substitutes, alternative therapies and answered all my questions. I really became aware of the danger that tobacco represents. I used the nicotine-free electronic vaping device to wean myself off the action. Every week, I communicate with Caroline, an effective follow-up, which avoids finding yourself alone. I got back into sport and I make substantial savings every month. Today I feel much better without tobacco. » So much so that William Gachassin has already convinced several friends to stop smoking, by telling them what he learned at the European Hospital. “Everyone can find reasons to continue smoking. The first three days are the most difficult, you have to break the spiral of dependence. The route offered by the European Hospital allows you to put all the chances on your side. Tobacco Free Month is now and it’s definitely a good time to get started! ».


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Nearly 150,000 people have already registered for No Tobacco Month. Throughout the month of November, the European Hospital offers you a Lung Check-up?

A non-premium rate toll-free number, 0 800 006 535

and an email [email protected] are at your disposal.

Health professionals will be able to guide you and quickly get you a consultation. A free and effective approach. Ready for the challenge ?

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