Will the Porte de Halle, the Chinese Pavilion and the Japanese Tower be sold soon?

This internal reflection has already made its way to the office of the minister in charge, Thomas Dermine, the secretary of state for federal science policy. Its spokesperson confirms that they intend, indeed, to redeploy a museum offer from the buildings located on the Cinquantenaire plateau.

All the collections of the Royal Museums of Art and History would therefore, in the future, be visible only on two sites: the Cinquantenaire Museum and the MIM, the Museum of Musical Instruments.

If the collections of the Japanese Tower and the Chinese Pavilion have already been evacuated to the reserves of the Parc du Cinquantenaire for several years due to unsanitary conditions, the same is not true of the collections of the Porte de Hal.

However, these collections bring together a substantial number of pieces from the ethnography of our regions and in particular the stuffed horses of the Archdukes Albert and Isabella of Habsburg or even the cradle of Charles V. Not sure that the Cinquantenaire Museum will be able to accommodate them, while itself should be completely renovated soon.

Indeed, as we approach the bicentenary of Belgium in 2030, substantial renovation work is planned for all of the Cinquantenaire buildings.

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