Will the iPhone cost more because of Europe?

As the European Union’s DMA (Digital Markets Act) forces the Apple brand to open up its ecosystem, Apple could well take advantage of this to increase prices, here’s why…

As you probably know, iOS, iPadOS and MacOS are all experiencing major upheavals at the moment, and this is because of the European Union which is forcing the Cupertino firm to open up a good part of the operation of its devices to the competition.

But if you’re looking into this a little more closely, then you probably also know that Apple often limits this openness to products distributed in the European Union, while maintaining its usual practices elsewhere. And this is where Apple could play on pricing.

Indeed, by splitting its ecosystem in two, one for Europe and one for the rest of the world, Apple is forced to do a bit more development. What’s more, since European users have more choice, it would seem logical that iPhones would cost more, right?

This is in any case a prediction made by the French-language magazine Clubicwhich recalls that, if this year, it is mainly AI that is used to justify a price increase (even if some analysts think on the contrary that the iPhone 16 should not increase compared to its predecessors), in the long term, the DMA could also be used to justify a massive increase in the price of iPhones.

Unless, of course, Apple decides (or is forced) to open up to competition in the rest of the world as well.

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