Will Tehran continue its threats despite Western pressure?

Tehran has staunchly rejected pressure from Western nations to retract its threats of military retaliation against Israel. The rise in tensions follows Iran’s accusation that Israel was involved in the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh, the leader of Hamas’ political bureau, on Iranian territory on July 31.

The Iranian response came after the release of a joint statement on Monday from the United States, France, Italy, Germany, and the United Kingdom. The leaders of these countries, including US President Joe Biden, urged Iran to “abandon its threats of a military attack against Israel, to avoid jeopardizing the discussions recently relaunched in Qatar aimed at establishing a truce in the Gaza Strip.”

This situation presents a complex challenge for Tehran. On one hand, the country aims to maintain its international image and not be seen as an impediment to peace talks. On the other hand, it is intent on preserving its credibility as a regional power.

Potential Participation of Europeans

Regarding the possibility of European nations providing support to Israel in the event of aggression, retired French General François Chauvancy foresees a scenario similar to the initial Iranian attack on April 13 and 14.

ASPIDE” mission, equipped with anti-missile systems. In addition, American and British operations are being conducted under separate agreements. The geographical proximity of American bases in Cyprus further strengthens the response capabilities of these forces.

The operation “ASPIDE“, supervised by American and European fleets, aims to safeguard trade routes from Houthi attacks from Yemen in the Red Sea, while also having the capability to intercept missiles traveling through the region, as explained by the former French general.

Meanwhile, Philip Ingram, a former NATO planner and British military intelligence officer, believes that not only European nations but also some Middle Eastern states may come to Israel’s defense in the event of a direct attack by Iran and its allies.

Defense Capabilities and Coordinated Response

Concerning the effectiveness of Israeli defenses, Ingram recalled the challenges of ensuring complete protection against missiles, emphasizing that even Israel’s Iron Dome does not guarantee full destruction. There remains a risk that some missiles may hit their intended targets, posing a significant threat.

Regarding the deployment of Western ships, the security expert stated that the onboard weapon systems provide optimal coverage to intercept Iranian missiles, as well as those launched from Yemen or by Hezbollah in Lebanon. He stated, “In the event of an Iranian attack, Western intelligence networks would quickly detect the operation, allowing sufficient time to respond.

The international coalition comprising 12 Middle Eastern countries and European states collaborates from bases such as the United Arab Emirates, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia, the expert emphasized, adding that this coalition is tasked with planning and providing defensive capabilities to support Israel against Iranian aggression.

The French general also highlighted the importance of “rules of engagement“, which are government or political agreements defining the conditions for military intervention. In his view, “Each nationality can initiate fire based on the circumstances, the area, and the type of targets.” However, he cautioned that the speed of missile launches could compel the military to act prior to political decisions being made.

The expert further underscored the complexities of interventions based on the location of Western forces. For instance, French forces stationed in Jordan might face constraints from the Jordanian government regarding the use of force or be limited to actions within Jordanian airspace.

The Role of France

Philip Ingram noted that France could deploy its Rafale jets from its base in Jordan. While British and American forces were already involved in the initial Iranian attack, French participation would hinge on a political decision. Ingram also pointed out that Jordan provides air defense capabilities that could assist in intercepting Iranian missiles.

Regarding the extent of the international intervention, Ingram clarified that the coalition would primarily focus on defensive actions to intercept threats against Israel, without launching direct attacks on Iran.

The former French army general believes that the Iranian threat is gradually diminishing, making military action by Tehran less probable, although Iran continues to speak of “vengeance.” Nevertheless, if negotiations collapse, Tehran might consider launching a limited attack to save face while reducing the risk of civilian casualties.

According to Ingram, such a scenario carries significant risk. If an Iranian attack resulted in civilian casualties, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu would be compelled to retaliate, which could swiftly escalate into a full-scale war in the Middle East.

Iran’s Stance on Military Retaliation Against Israel: An In-Depth Analysis

Tehran has firmly rejected pressure from Western countries to drop its threats of military retaliation against Israel. The escalation of tensions follows Iran’s accusation against Israel over the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh, head of Hamas’ political bureau, on Iranian soil on July 31.

The Iranian response comes after the release of a joint statement by the United States, France, Italy, Germany, and the United Kingdom. The leaders of these nations, including US President Joe Biden, called on Iran to abandon its threats of a military attack against Israel, so as not to jeopardize the discussions recently relaunched in Qatar, aimed at establishing a truce in the Gaza Strip.

The Complex Dynamics of Tehran’s Position

For Tehran, this situation is complex. The country seeks to preserve its image on the international stage without appearing as an obstacle to peace talks. However, it remains determined not to lose its credibility as a regional power.

Potential European Involvement in the Conflict

Potential participation of Europeans

Retired French general François Chauvancy envisions a scenario where European nations could come to Israel’s aid in the event of aggression. Chauvancy highlights the presence of Western forces in the Red Sea, with the French fleet participating in the ” ASPIDE” operation, equipped with anti-missile systems. Concurrently, operations are being conducted by American and British forces under separate agreements. The geographical proximity of American bases in Cyprus enhances the response capabilities of these forces.

Details of Operation ASPIDE

The operation ” ASPIDE“, supervised by both American and European fleets, aims to protect trade routes against attacks by the Houthis from Yemen in the Red Sea. This operation also serves to intercept missiles traversing the region, according to Chauvancy.

Philip Ingram, a former NATO planner and British military intelligence officer, posits that not only European countries but also some Middle Eastern states could bolster Israel’s defense if there were a direct attack by Iran and its allies.

Assessing Defense Capabilities and Coordinated Responses

Defense capabilities and coordinated response

Ingram expressed concerns over the effectiveness of Israeli defenses, noting the inherent difficulty in ensuring comprehensive protection against missile attacks. Even with Israel’s renowned Iron Dome, complete destruction of incoming missiles is not guaranteed, posing a significant risk.

The strategic positioning of Western ships plays a crucial role in defense capabilities. The advanced weapons systems aboard these ships can provide extensive coverage to intercept Iranian missiles, as well as threats from Yemen and Hezbollah in Lebanon. Ingram asserts that “in the event of an Iranian attack, Western intelligence networks would quickly detect the operation, providing sufficient time to react.

International Coalition for Defense Support

The international coalition, comprising 12 Middle Eastern countries and European states, collaborates from bases in the United Arab Emirates, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia. This coalition is vital for planning and delivering defensive capabilities to support Israel amidst potential Iranian aggression.

The Importance of Rules of Engagement

Chauvancy emphasized the significance of “rules of engagement,” which dictate the conditions for military intervention. These agreements stipulate that “each nationality can open fire depending on the circumstances, the area, and the type of targets.” However, he cautioned that the speed of missile launches could compel military personnel to act prior to political consensus being achieved.

Logistical Challenges Based on Location

The logistical aspect of military interventions can become complicated depending on the specific location and stance of Western forces. French troops stationed in Jordan, for instance, might be limited from employing force due to restrictions from the Jordanian government, or constrained to operating solely within Jordanian airspace.

The Role of France in the Potential Conflict

The role of France

Ingram notes that France may deploy its Rafale jets from its base in Jordan. While British and American forces are already engaged, the extent of French participation hinges on political decisions. Jordan’s air defense capabilities could simultaneously aid in intercepting Iranian missiles, bolstering regional defense.

Scope of International Intervention

Specifying the focus of the international coalition, Ingram clarified that their actions would concentrate on defensive measures to intercept threats to Israel, without launching direct assaults on Iran.

The Diminishing Iranian Threat

The former French army general opines that the Iranian threat is gradually waning, therefore making military action by Tehran less probable. Nevertheless, Iran maintains a stance of ” vengeance,” and in the event that negotiations falter, Tehran could resort to a limited offensive to preserve its image while minimizing civilian casualties.

Risks of Civilian Casualties

Such a scenario carries significant risks. According to Ingram, if an Iranian attack were to result in civilian casualties, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu would likely be compelled to retaliate, potentially leading to a rapid escalation into a full-scale war in the Middle East.

Conclusion: A Delicate Balance

The current tensions between Iran and Israel underscore a delicate balance between military posture and diplomatic efforts. As the situation evolves, both regional and global players continue to navigate the complexities of defense, aggression, and peace-building initiatives in a volatile geopolitical landscape.

Key Takeaways

  • Tehran remains defiant in the face of Western pressure regarding its threats against Israel.
  • The potential for European and Middle Eastern nations to support Israel in case of an Iranian attack is significant.
  • Operational preparations, including the ASPIDE mission, highlight the international community’s commitment to safeguarding trade routes and national security.
  • The rules of engagement and logistical frameworks dictate responses to military threats, emphasizing the need for careful coordination.
  • The prospect of civilian casualties raises the stakes for any military confrontation, underscoring the urgency for de-escalation and negotiation.



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