Will not change IPP contracts under any circumstances, Owais Laghari – Business & Economy

Energy Minister Owais Laghari has said that the IPP contracts will not be changed under any circumstances as they are as important as the CPEC contracts.

Talking to a private TV program, Owais Laghari said that contracts with solar installation IPPs are very important, for solar panels there are contracts for 7, 7 years.

He said that we cannot give a fine of 900 million like Rekodic, we have not discussed with any Chinese power producer or any other plant owner in this regard. will talk with, in which both benefit.

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Owais Leghari said, “For us, an IPP installing a 5 kW solar system and a contract with it is as important as having a CPEC or an outsider, who have already installed solar on the IPPs.” We will not change their contracts under any circumstances.

He says that we are taking steps to reduce the cost of electricity, moving towards coal-fired power generation.