Will Biden overcome the crisis or collapse? This weekend’s ‘watershed’

◀ Anchor ▶

What will happen in the US presidential election?

President Biden continues to face pressure to drop his candidacy.

This weekend looks set to be a watershed moment.

Let’s connect with New York correspondent Im Kyung-ah to hear more details.

Correspondent Lim Kyeong-ah, the talk about President Biden resigning started with last week’s TV debate.

Let’s first look at why things have become so shaky.

◀ Reporter ▶

First, let’s compare the TV debate that took place last week with the video of the debate that took place four years ago.

[Joe Biden/US President (2024 TV Debate)]
“I’m sorry. We have to deal with everything…”

[Joe Biden/US President (2020 TV Debate)]
The important thing is, under our administration, violent crime went down 17%, 15%. It went up during his tenure!

President Biden, who is 81 years old this year, looks completely different than he did during the TV debate four years ago.

Stuttering and appearing dazed, Biden failed to dispel concerns about his “cognitive abilities” and instead exposed them on live television.

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Still, President Biden took on the challenge head on, right?

They are continuing to show their will, but I think what’s important is public opinion.

◀ Reporter ▶

You’re right.

After the debate, President Biden gave a powerful public speech and called in Democratic governors to reaffirm their support.

But the public opinion landscape is becoming increasingly unfavorable.

There are already opinion polls showing that the gap in approval ratings between Trump and the opposition party has widened.

The number of House Democrats publicly demanding that the candidacy be dropped has increased to three.

Even traditional support bases such as Hollywood and influential media outlets like CNN and the New York Times are turning their backs on Biden.

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But realistically, the US presidential election is in November, and it’s not that far away, right?

If you change candidates, is it possible to do so?

◀ Reporter ▶

If President Biden resigns voluntarily, it is possible.

The scenario is that after resignation, a successor is nominated and support is appealed for.

However, this is not an easy task.

The national convention to decide the presidential candidate is held next month.

There’s about a month left.

Is it really possible to establish a new candidate and unite a divided party in such a short period of time? The reality is not easy.

However, if there is a replacement, the first candidate to be considered is Vice President Kamala Harris.

There is also the symbolism of having a female vice president of color.

If you look at the polls, it’s definitely Michelle Obama.

However, I am negative about [her] running for office.

Tomorrow morning, Korean time, an in-depth interview with President Biden will air on ABC in the United States.

This is likely to be Biden’s last chance.

So far, we’ve been reporting from New York.

Video coverage: An Jeong-gyu (New York) / Video editing: Kim Chang-gyu


Element: A Comprehensive Guide

The `

` element, short for “division,” is a fundamental building block in HTML (HyperText Markup Language). It serves as a container for other HTML elements, allowing you to structure and group your web content logically. Understanding how to use the `

` element effectively is paramount for building well-organized, semantically correct, and visually appealing websites.

What is a


Simply put, the `

` element acts as a container. Imagine it like a box that you can put other elements inside. These elements can be anything, from text to images, videos, forms, or even other `

` elements. The `

` element itself does not inherently have any visual style; it merely defines a section within your HTML document.

Why Use


Let’s delve into the reasons why <div> elements are so crucial in web development:

  • Structure and Organization: You can use <div> elements to logically group related content, making your HTML code more readable and maintainable. For instance, you might create a <div> for the header, another for the main content, and one for the footer of a web page.
  • Styling: While <div> elements don’t have inherent styles, you can easily style them using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). This allows you to control the appearance, positioning, and layout of the content within the <div>.
  • Accessibility: In web accessibility, <div> elements play a vital role in defining the structure of content. Screen readers and other assistive technologies can easily navigate the content using the logical groupings created with <div> elements.
  • Dynamic Content: <div> elements are often used in conjunction with JavaScript to create dynamic and interactive web applications. You can add, remove, or modify content within <div> elements dynamically, leading to highly engaging user experiences.

How to Use


Here’s a simple example demonstrating the basic syntax of using <div> elements:

<div class="container">
  <h1>Welcome to my Website</h1>
  <p>This is a simple paragraph of text.</p>

In this example:

  • <div class="container">: This line opens the <div> element with the class attribute set to "container."
  • <h1>Welcome to my Website</h1>: This line represents an H1 heading inside the <div> container.
  • <p>This is a simple paragraph of text.</p>: This line contains a paragraph of text also within the <div> container.
  • </div>: This line closes the <div> element.

Attributes of the


While the <div> element is versatile, it also offers a few key attributes for customization:

  • id: A unique identifier for the <div> element. This can be used to target the <div> specifically using CSS or JavaScript.
  • class: Allows you to apply a name to a <div> element, facilitating the grouping of elements with similar styles or functionalities.
  • style: Allows you to directly apply inline styles to the <div> element. However, it’s generally recommended to use external CSS files for styles to keep your HTML clean and maintainable.

Best Practices for Using


  • Semantic Meaning: Use <div> elements for logical grouping, but avoid relying on them solely for visual styling. For more specific content, consider using semantic HTML elements like <header>, <nav>, <main>, <article>, <aside>, <footer>, and <section>.
  • CSS for Styling: Utilize CSS to style your <div> elements rather than relying on inline styles.
  • Keep It Organized: Use meaningful class names for your <div> elements and strive for a clear hierarchy in your HTML structure.
  • Accessibility: Always remember accessibility when working with <div> elements. Use ARIA attributes (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) where appropriate to ensure that all content is accessible to users with disabilities.

Element Use Cases

Here are several practical examples of how <div> elements are used in web development:

  • Page Layout: You can create a basic web page layout using <div> elements for sections like the header, navigation, main content area, and footer.
  • Creating Responsive Designs: <div> elements are essential for creating responsive layouts that adapt to different screen sizes and devices.
  • Dynamic Content: In JavaScript-based web applications, <div> elements are often used to hold dynamically generated content.
  • Form Elements: <div> elements can be used to group and style form elements like input fields, dropdowns, and buttons.
  • Grids and Flexbox: <div> elements are at the heart of CSS Grid and Flexbox, two popular layout methods for creating modern responsive web layouts.


The `

` element is the backbone of HTML, providing a flexible and powerful way to structure and organize your web content. Remember to use it thoughtfully, prioritizing semantic meaning and accessibility. As you advance in web development, mastering the use of `

` elements will become essential for creating efficient, robust, and responsive websites.

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