Will a cloud of sulfur dioxide fly over Nice? This expert’s answers – Actu.fr


Manon Reinhardt

Published on August 26, 2024 at 6:18 p.m. See my news Follow Actu Nice

A cloud of sulphur dioxide from a volcanic eruption in Iceland is currently hovering over France. Meteorological experts have warned that an unpleasant odour could be felt in the affected regions.

If the gas was, this Monday, August 26, above the Bouches-du-Rhône and the Var, what about Nice (Alpes-Maritimes)? This expert answers actu Nice.

A volcano has woken up in Iceland

The eruption of the Icelandic volcano Sundhnuksgigarod on Thursday, August 22, 2024, has some consequences: the ash formed a cloud of sulfur dioxidewhich has been flying over France for several days.

This Monday, this gas, invisible to the naked eye, was in the sky of Marseille and continued its route towards the Var. Its passage could cause tingling in the nose. An online animation allows you to follow its progress live.

But what about Nice? Will the cloud move to us? No, according to Guillaume Séchet, founder of the site meteo-nice.orgcontacted by actu Nice.

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Nice “protected by the Alps”

“First, the cloud dissipates and Nice is protected by the Alps which have a significant effect and screen fontit is protected by the massif,” explains the meteorologist. If it is indeed present above the Bouches-du-Rhône, the cloud is not dense enough with low levels. It had even lost its concentration before even flying over France, according to this expert.

The Côte d’Azur city should therefore not be affected by the cloud, coming from the North-West. As a reminder, it is painless et colorlessThe latter remains very high in altitude, notes Paul Marquis, also a weather expert.

No health hazard

In general, the country is little affected by the phenomenon, and its intensity is not not strong enough to the point of triggering an alert.

In fact, there is no danger to health, Guillaume Séchet reminds us. No reason to worry, therefore.

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