Wildfire Emergency: Nearly 900 Patients Treated Amidst Devastation

Asuncion, IP Agency.- The Ministry of Public Health reports that a total of 890 patients were treated by teams deployed with mobile health vehicles in areas close to the fires, in the departments of Alto Paraguay and Boquerón, from September 9 to 12.

80% of the patients are combatants, including firefighters and members of the Armed Forces, who were treated in the fire fighting zones at Estancia Campo Grande, according to the health ministry.

The most frequently reported cases to health teams are dehydration, conjunctivitis, respiratory difficulties, headache, hypertension, diarrhea, acute pharyngitis, insect bites, and foreign body removal.

In this context, the Alto Paraguay Health Region carried out a total of 144 outpatient care; 263 in facilities, totaling 444; while the Boquerón region recorded 203 outpatient care and 259 in facilities, totaling 462, and the Presidente Hayes region recorded 21 facilities, with which 890 patients were treated.

The health department explains that the establishments indicated are patients with assistance related to fires due to smoke inhalation, non-pneumonia IRAS, ETI, allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis. In addition, 3 patients were hospitalized for smoke inhalation, without the need for transfer, the health report adds.

#patients #treated #due #forest #fires
2024-09-17 08:39:13

– What are the key historical events that shaped‌ Paraguay’s cultural identity? ⁣

Paraguay: A Country of Rich History and ​Culture

Paraguay, a landlocked country in south-central South America, has a more-homogeneous population than most⁤ other countries in‍ South America [[1]]. Most Paraguayans are of European and Guaraní ancestry, which has contributed to the‌ country’s⁢ unique cultural identity.

History of Paraguay

Paraguay’s ​recent history has been characterized by turbulence and authoritarian rule [[1]]. The country ‌gained independence from Spain in 1811 and has since then been marked by periods of political instability and military dictatorships. However, in recent years, Paraguay has made significant progress towards democratization⁢ and economic growth.

Cultural Practices and Traditions

One of the most significant cultural practices in ‌Paraguay is the traditional tea⁣ ceremony, known as “mate” or “tereré” [[3]]. This is a symbol of friendship ⁣and community, where a small cup of⁢ tea is shared among friends and family members. The ⁤cup is filled​ with tea and passed around in a circle, with each person taking a turn to drink from the cup.

Healthcare ‍in Paraguay

In recent news, the Ministry of Public Health in⁣ Paraguay⁤ reported that a total of 890 ‍patients ⁢were treated by mobile health teams ⁢in areas affected by fires in the departments of Alto⁣ Paraguay and Boquerón⁣ [[ref]]. The ‍majority of the patients were combatants, including firefighters and members ​of the Armed Forces, who were treated ⁣for various health issues, including dehydration, conjunctivitis, and⁤ respiratory difficulties.


Paraguay is a⁣ country with a rich history, cultural traditions, and a strong sense of community. ⁣Despite facing ‍challenges in its‍ recent past, the country is making⁣ progress towards development and growth. The traditional tea ceremony is an important ⁣part of Paraguayan culture, symbolizing friendship and community. Additionally, the country’s healthcare system ‌is ⁤working to address the needs of its ⁣citizens, particularly in ​areas affected by natural disasters.





Commitment to community health and resilience in the face of challenges.

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Paraguay: A Country of Rich History, Culture, and Resilience

Paraguay, a landlocked country in south-central South America, is a nation with a rich cultural identity shaped by its history, traditions, and people. From its struggle for independence to its modern-day challenges, Paraguay has emerged as a country with a strong sense of community and a growing economy.

History of Paraguay

Paraguay’s recent history has been marked by periods of turbulence and authoritarian rule. The country gained independence from Spain in 1811, but it wasn’t until the 20th century that Paraguay began to experience significant growth and democratization. Despite facing challenges, Paraguay has made progress towards stability and economic development.

Cultural Practices and Traditions

One of the most significant cultural practices in Paraguay is the traditional tea ceremony, known as “mate” or “tereré.” This symbol of friendship and community brings people together, where a small cup of tea is shared among friends and family members. The cup is filled with tea and passed around in a circle, with each person taking a turn to drink from the cup. This tradition is a testament to the strong sense of community that exists in Paraguayan culture.

Healthcare in Paraguay

In recent news, the Ministry of Public Health in Paraguay reported that a total of 890 patients were treated by mobile health teams in areas affected by fires in the departments of Alto Paraguay and Boquerón. The majority of the patients were combatants, including firefighters and members of the Armed Forces, who were treated for various health issues, including dehydration, conjunctivitis, and respiratory difficulties. This effort highlights the country’s



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