wild blueberries would have fat-burning effects

The blueberry has been the subject of numerous scientific studies. And for good reason, this fruit, belonging to the berry family, full of benefits for the body. Pour their antioxidant, vitamin C and natural fiber contentseveral researchers invite us to consume them every day.

According to scientists from the California Polytechnic State University Humboldt, it is for their fat-burning effects that blueberries should be eaten.

To lose weight, bet on the wild blueberry

The study, recently published in the journal Nutrients, is the first to examine the fat-burning effects of wild blueberries. Indeed, researchers suggest that these might help accelerate fat oxidationin other words, “the process of breaking down fatty acids or burning fat into energy,” they explain.

To reach these conclusions, the scientists asked 11 healthy men to follow a diet in which they consumed 25 grams of wild blueberries every day for two weeks. The participants then had to do a physical activity, here cycling, for 40 minutes.

The researchers then collected their urine, before and following the activity, and blood samples every 10 minutes during the workout.

The rate of fat oxidation increases thanks to blueberries

Result, the volunteers burned more fat following consuming wild blueberries. “For example, the rate of fat oxidation increased by 19.7%, 43.2% and 31.1% at 20, 30 and 40 minutes following the circuit”, indicate the scientists. “Overall, the study found that Consuming wild blueberries every day for two weeks increased the ability to burn fat during moderate-intensity exercise, such as cycling.”

According to them, this phenomenon is due to a compound: the anthocyanins. Wild blueberries contain it 33 % more than ordinary blueberries. Nevertheless, all blueberries contain a significant amount of this natural compound. Notably responsible for the blue color of blueberries, “this natural dye would also be the cause of this fat oxidation”say the scientists.

However, “further studies are underway to identify more closely the impact of wild blueberries on fat oxidation,” reveals Professor Taylor Bloedon, lead researcher of the study. “Women seem to tend to have a greater ability to oxidize fat naturallyso it will be interesting to see the results.”

Anthocyanin: a natural compound with multiple benefits found in blueberries

In addition to having fat-burning effects, anthocyanin, naturally present in blueberries, acts as an antioxidant. He was also associated with antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory and anticancer effects.

This antioxidant would also be able to regulate the risk of cardiovascular disease. In effect, it is thanks to the antioxidants that blueberries are useful in preventing certain diseases related to aging.

Blueberries are also going to be a good way to take care of your brain. For good reason, many studies have proven that blueberries are beneficial for memory and cognitive functions. It has also been established that this fruit might prevent the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.

“Antioxidants help fight free radicals that damage cells in the body. Free radicals can be produced by the body in case of stress, alcohol consumption, tobacco, over-physical activity, lack of sleep…. But also by the environment, air and water pollution, sun on the skin…”, explains Raphaël Gruman, nutritionist at Medisite. This is why, it’s important to put antioxidant-rich foods on the menu.”



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