There are definitely times when you feel that when you are at home, navigating websites, watching a video or browsing social media can be very slow.
If you feel that sometimes the Wi-Fi in your home has become unbearable, there are ways to check your Internet speed, but also to improve it.
Read some simple ways you can try to improve the reception and strengthen the WiFi signal at home, as reported by EETT, according to newsit.
– Place the router in an elevated position, e.g. on a cupboard or shelf in a central part of your home to achieve greater signal range.
– Avoid placing the router near windows, so that the signal is not “lost” outside your space.
– Remove objects, especially metal, in front of or next to the router, so that the WiFi signal is not obstructed.
– Place the router away from wireless transmission sources, such as cordless phones and intercom devices, as they may interfere with your signal.
– If the router has one or more antennas, move them in different directions, aiming at the points where you want to improve the signal.
– Use signal extension/coverage devices (powerline adapters, repeaters, extenders), which always bear the “CE” mark, in the places where the signal is weak.
– If the router does not have a setting for automatic optimal channel selection, try selecting a channel with less usage.
– Change your router’s default passwords and set a new strong password to protect your home network in case someone tries to use your connection.
– You change your password often.
– Reboot from the router’s on/off button at regular intervals.
#WiFi #tips #avoid #problems #browsing