why your payslip will (again) change

Get used to the “net social amount”: whether you are a civil servant or a private employee, this title will soon appear on your payslip.

Who is concerned ?

In total, more than 26 million people will see this section – and the corresponding sum – appear from 1 July.

This represents approximately 20.8 million private sector employees and 5.6 million civil servants (State, hospitals, local authorities).

What is it regarding ?

A decree published in the Official Journal on February 7 provides “to better inform employees regarding the resources taken into account for the calculation of their rights”. This results in the appearance of this “net social amount”, which corresponds to net income, following deduction of all compulsory social contributions.

Unlike the net amount paid, it does not include certain elements paid by the employer such as the reimbursement of expenses (public transport, meal bonuses, etc.), benefits in kind, profit-sharing and participation paid on savings plans…

What will it be used for?

Currently, regarding one in three households eligible for RSA does not claim it. Same thing for the activity bonus, not requested by a third of eligible households. However, it reaches €181 per month on average for more than 4 million beneficiaries.

The net corporate amount corresponds to the income that potential beneficiaries of the RSA or the activity bonus must declare.

With two particularities: to be known in real time, and to be dedicated to the calculation of these rights: “The French will see each month on their payslip, the exact amount to declare to request the RSA or the activity bonus”, explains the Minister of Solidarity.

This concrete daily progress is an essential milestone on the way to solidarity at the source.

Jean-Christophe Combe, Minister of Solidarity, Autonomy and People with Disabilities

The information will also appear on any benefit statement transmitted by the social organisations.

Other reasons put forward: the reduction of financial insecurity due to reporting errors… but also the fight once morest fraud.

And following ?

From 2024, the net social amount will be automatically transmitted to the administrations by the employers, as is already done for the net taxable income for tax returns.

All recipients or potential beneficiaries will also be able to find on a dedicated site (“mesdroitssociaux.fr”, not yet in service) the amount of their net social income… and any related rights.

Other planned changes

The appearance of this section will not be the only change on your pay slip: five years following the last “simplification”, the government has planned new “adaptations”.

“Certain information of no use” for employees will be deleted, according to the decree published on February 7. Concretely, it is a question of “continuing to clarify the payslip”, with “more readable and hierarchical wordings” and isolating from the others “the compulsory social contributions and contributions”.

The display of certain benefits, reimbursements or deductions will be “harmonised”, so that each employee can “easily understand the net amount he receives”.

Also, “some information [sans] impact on the rights of employees (abolition of unemployment and sickness contributions, total reductions in employers’ contributions, etc.) will be abolished.

Not sure that’s enough: according to a study published in the fall, only a third of French employees say they understand their entire payslip. France has also been, since at least 2017, #1 in payroll complexity worldwide

According to the model presented in the decree of January 31, the future bulletin will still have… a good forty lines:



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