2023-09-20 16:13:00
44% of young recruits who join the army give up before the end of their training. The phenomenon has strengthened over the last three years. How to explain it?
Defense recruitment operation: it plans to recruit 2,500 active military personnel in 2024, including 300 officers, 950 non-commissioned officers and 1,250 soldiers and sailors. The military is also opening 1,050 reserve military positions for various functions and planning 460 positions for civilian personnel.
It must be said that Defense is facing a phenomenon which has been increasing over the last three years: the abandonment of young recruits.
This is the case of Gauvin, who returned his uniform following two months: “The promise that is made is not at all in line with what we encounter at the Royal Military School. I had the opportunity to interact with other students and they sold it to me as a university campus like any other.“, he tells us.
Young people embark on the adventure without finding out
44% of young recruits leave the army before the end of their training. For Joël Lebrun, deputy director of the Defense information center in Mons, young people do not get enough information: “There are young people who embark on the adventure without finding out. Maybe that’s an explanation“.
But for Philippe Sion, delegate of the CGPM military union, this situation is due to difficulties in adapting to the military hierarchy and its regulations: “It’s a job where you are taught to manage emotion in relation to a conflict situation. We have to put them and train them in these kinds of conditions“, justifies the trade unionist.
This authority sometimes poses a problem. A complaint has just been filed, denouncing the treatment of new arrivals. Among the 180 candidates of which Gauvin was a part, only around forty remain in the ranks.
La Défense is a social elevator and it must remain so
The Minister of Defense, Ludivine Dedonder (PS) is not worried by this phenomenon: “We have a lot of applicants, but it’s a challenge to be able to keep them. It doesn’t worry me in general. The army is there to be able to train and provide professional experience. It’s clear that we want these young people to have a career, but if they spend a few years with us and then find happiness elsewhere, we will have contributed to that too. La Défense is a social elevator and it must remain so“, puts the minister into perspective.
In 2023, 7,319 young people applied for a position in Defense, or 13.4% more than in 2022. 2,700 were recruited this year.
army defense abandonment
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