Why you have to be very careful with this new type of scam

For some time now, a new type of scam has appeared on the web. Hackers exploit the curiosity of their victims with enigmatic emails.

To hack the machines of their victims, hackers are constantly renewing their modus operandi. In 2022, a new type of scam was born: hackers sent millions of emails announcing the arrival of a new package at the local post office. To recover it, the Internet user is invited to click on a link, and this is where the trap closes on the victim since once the link is open, it is possible for hackers to install firmware on the machine. of their victim from a distance. Fake parcel scams exploded in 2022. In recent weeks, however, they have been replaced by a new type of scam, much more mysterious.

The mail appears as such in your mailbox.

This time, the hackers are not trying to reproduce the presentation of a courier from Bpost or DHL. They remain deliberately minimalist and enigmatic. An email “Consult your file” arrives in your mailbox. When the user opens it, they discover a short message, which states “Please read the attachment for more details.” No sender, logo or typical presentation. The attached document includes malware which, once opened, will install itself on the victim’s machine.

The risks are numerous: recovery of confidential data, hacking into the machine remotely, installation of various malware, etc. For this reason, it is advisable to avoid opening the attachment of this type of email.

The hackers have completely redesigned their modus operandi by playing on the curiosity of Internet users, who might be tempted to open the document, thinking that it was sent by one of their work colleagues. While the majority of messages of this type are filtered and sent to your junk mail, some of them may slip through the cracks. Be careful, therefore, if you come face to face with one of them.

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