Why Women Are More Prone to Cystitis During Menopause: Expert Insights and Tips

2023-07-10 15:00:00

This is why women get cystitis more often during menopause

Bladder infections are more common in women going through the menopause. As if the hormone-related symptoms during the menopause weren’t unpleasant enough, many women now also regularly struggle with bladder and ureter infections. Why this is so, Dr. medical Judith Bildau:

With menopause, the vagina becomes increasingly dry. That in turn is due to one local estrogen deficiency. Through this there is less lactic acid bacteria, the pH value then goes from acidic into the basic range above and this allows germs to multiply very well in the vagina. The lack of estrogen also means that the urethra loses its sealing function – it is always slightly open during menopause. This offers the bacteria a perfect gateway.

You can hear all the background information, tips and tricks for dealing with sugar directly in the podcast!

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