Why we need to vaccinate boys and girls against papillomavirus

2024-08-31 04:24:00

A study in Argentina has deepened suspicions about a link between papillomavirus and infertility problems, as well as an increased risk of cancer in affected men. Update with Géraldine Zamansky, journalist health magazine France No. 5.

franceinfo: Are boys at the same risk as girls when it comes to papillomavirus?

Geraldine Zamanski : Regardless, these results will help close the gap between vaccination rates for girls and boys. It must be noted that this protection against papillomavirus has been recommended for more than 15 years and is only available in 2021. Necessary vaccinations target the virus, which causes several risks, most notably cervical cancer in women, but the virus has also been linked to cancers that affect men. this study Argentina helped clarify its mechanisms. It shows a potential association with impaired male fertility. explains Virginia Rivero, a core member of the study at the National University of Córdoba in Argentina. His team examined sperm samples from 205 patients in a urology clinic.

Their analysis shows poor fertility?

Researchers found a link between the presence of the most dangerous type of papillomavirus (HPV16) that the vaccine protects against and high numbers of dead sperm. But as Virginia Rivero points out, they can’t follow patients over time to see whether their fertility is affected. Of course, his team insists on continuing this type of research with more samples. The same holds true for another part of their results, this time involving immune dysregulation. That is, smaller amounts are involved in certain defenses against infection and cancer.

Does this shed new light on cancer risk in men?

Yes, because one of the related threats is penile cancer. Professor François de Grandchamp, director of the urology department at Saint-Louis Hospital in Paris, pointed out that this situation is rare. They are often diagnosed too late, too late. So even if the study isn’t conclusive, we should encourage boys to get vaccinated because we know it at least protects them from ear, nose and throat cancer (actor Michael Douglas sounded the alarm about this). Best of all, it prevents the spread of the most severe forms of papillomavirus. Therefore, vaccinating girls and boys protects entire generations. Australia has certainly achieved this target since 2007, observing a reduction in infections and precancerous lesions in young women vaccinated during adolescence.

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