Why Was the Audience’s Favorite Series Left Without Award Nominations?

Why Was the Audience’s Favorite Series Left Without Award Nominations?

Photo: The ‍second season of⁣ “Uninvited Guests” premiered

Lelde, a prominent figure in the ‍Latvian film industry, recently shared her thoughts on the awards process.In her candid ⁤reflection, she saeid, “It turns out that we were denied the awards because of less funding than other series? Isn’t that welcome – to achieve ⁣a result with fewer opportunities than the series financed by the ‘Kino centra’? It’s damn painful and the feeling is unfair.But that’s how ⁣life is. You have to accept it. They, the jury, know better. You have to accept the decision of the professionals, otherwise⁢ they ⁣will write about you that you don’t know to accept criticism and ⁤the decision of local cinema experts. I heartily and sincerely congratulate all the nominated industry colleagues and series creators.”

Her statement resonated with many, sparking a ‌wave of ⁢support and ‌discussion from ⁣notable personalities ​in Latvia. Paul timrots, the leader of the “Zebra” program, offered a pragmatic outlook, saying, “Don’t look at the ‍nominations, look‍ at ⁣the ratings.”

Musician⁤ Jānis Šipkēvics also chimed in, expressing⁢ his solidarity with lelde. He questioned, “Can someone publish the composition of the jury? Does it overlap and compete with the greats of the Golden Microphone? Don’t be sad, Lelde! Oskars Tirsa has already awarded his people’s ⁢’oscar’⁢ to your group.”

Writer Inga Grenzberga echoed⁤ similar⁤ sentiments, empathizing with Lelde’s experience. she remarked, “Lelde, I understood you so much … the same ‘Why?’, the same ‘I don’t understand!’, the same feeling of ‘Injustice’ … but at the same time -⁤ the audience is an asset, so it manages to reduce ⁤the pain.”

The backdrop to⁣ this heartfelt discourse ‍is the recent press conference ⁣held on Friday, January 10, where the nominees for the prestigious National Cinema Award “Lielais Kristaps” were unveiled. The⁤ event, a cornerstone in Latvia’s cinematic⁤ calendar, has once again ignited conversations about⁣ recognition, fairness, and the ever-evolving dynamics of the film industry.

What is⁣ the difference‍ between⁤ the sets N and ‌N+?

⁣ 在数学集合中,以下符号分别代表不同的数集:

  1. N:表示非负整数集,也称为自然数集。它包括所有大于或等于零的整数,即‌ (⁤ N =⁢ {0, ⁣1, 2,‍ 3,⁢ ldots} )。
  1. N 或⁢ N+:表示正整数集,即非负整数集中排除零的集合。它包括所有大于零的整数,即 ( ​N^ = {1, 2, 3,‌ ldots} )。
  1. Z:表示整数集,包括所有正整数、负整数和零,即 ( Z = {ldots, ⁣-2, -1, 0, 1, 2, ldots} )。
  1. Q:表示有理数集,包括所有可以表示为两个整数之比的数,即 ⁣( Q = {frac{a}{b} mid‍ a, ‌b in Z, b neq 0} )。
  1. R:表示实数集,包括所有有理数和无理数。实数集涵盖了数轴上的所有点。
  1. C:表示复数集,包括所有形如 ( a + bi⁣ ) ‍的数,其中 ( a ) 和 ( ​b ‌) 是实数,( i ) 是虚数单位,满足 ( i^2 = -1 )。


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